Что за человек Мейсон Кэпвелл?
Что за человек Мейсон Кэпвелл?
Олег, Вторник, 26 декабря 2006, 09:50:55
Mason Capwell
Последние сообщения
Песнь о небесах/Восхождение фениксов/The song of heaven / The Rise of Phoenixes/天堂之歌/(2018)825
DeJavu, Вчера, 14:46:37
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Louise was a 'classy dame' as Sam Spade used to say. I seem sort of low-energy in these clips. I was either sick or over-worked or both. It's too bad, because the dialogue is awfully clever.
I do remember Dame Judith shooting Jed in the hiney, and the aftermath. Set up one of my better ad-libs--with apologies to William Shakespeare.
Like Harley's fantasy sequence? I did...
Okay. I remember the stable scene. Really remember it...
Tough work, but somebody had to do it...
Well, I always liked the make-out stuff better than the mushy stuff. But I guess it was a necessary evil.
Awful stuff for Jon to have to play. Bad enough they were making him into a bad guy...
Okay. It's going to get a little silly, now...
Did we have a continuity lapse here? I thought I was wearing jeans...
At least they didn't put me in a nun's habit...
And yes, I remember the mountaintop. It was really windy. Among other things...
Harley was really cute when she was confused.
I was a little nervous running around outside in that priest outfit. Given my behavior at that time in my life, I was expecting to be struck by lightning at any moment...I kind of like that Thorn-birdy look, though.
Not sure about the Irish accent. I think I learned it from a Lucky Charms commercial...
This gets a little gooey for my taste, but it has a happy ending. I wish I could remember the name of the actress playing Mother Isabelle..
Louise was a 'classy dame' as Sam Spade used to say. I seem sort of low-energy in these clips. I was either sick or over-worked or both. It's too bad, because the dialogue is awfully clever.
I do remember Dame Judith shooting Jed in the hiney, and the aftermath. Set up one of my better ad-libs--with apologies to William Shakespeare.
Like Harley's fantasy sequence? I did...
Okay. I remember the stable scene. Really remember it...
Tough work, but somebody had to do it...
Well, I always liked the make-out stuff better than the mushy stuff. But I guess it was a necessary evil.
Awful stuff for Jon to have to play. Bad enough they were making him into a bad guy...
Okay. It's going to get a little silly, now...
Did we have a continuity lapse here? I thought I was wearing jeans...
At least they didn't put me in a nun's habit...
And yes, I remember the mountaintop. It was really windy. Among other things...
Harley was really cute when she was confused.
I was a little nervous running around outside in that priest outfit. Given my behavior at that time in my life, I was expecting to be struck by lightning at any moment...I kind of like that Thorn-birdy look, though.
Not sure about the Irish accent. I think I learned it from a Lucky Charms commercial...
This gets a little gooey for my taste, but it has a happy ending. I wish I could remember the name of the actress playing Mother Isabelle..
Кузьма Евгеньевна (Четверг, 16 декабря 2010, 21:59:24) писал:
а что такое хроники Мейсона, которые вы все смотрите? Это где и как?
Centurion00077 (Четверг, 16 декабря 2010, 19:26:27) писал:
Это такие хронические заболевания Мейса - иногда бывают рецидивы
аж_два_о (Четверг, 16 декабря 2010, 22:27:18) писал:
Склероз и всё такое.
Centurion00077 (Четверг, 16 декабря 2010, 19:44:44) писал:
бывает и хуже - припадки романтишеской глупости например
аж_два_о (Четверг, 16 декабря 2010, 22:54:05) писал:
If you're wondering why it was always windy on that mountain top, we shot all that mountain stuff on the same day. As usual, Harley's hair looks fine, and I look like I've got my finger in a socket through the whole scene... Красавчик
Centurion00077 (Понедельник, 27 декабря 2010, 20:09:19) писал:
If you're wondering why it was always windy on that mountain top, we shot all that mountain stuff on the same day. As usual, Harley's hair looks fine, and I look like I've got my finger in a socket through the whole scene... Красавчик
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