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Ранние "Хроники Мейсона"

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  • Регистрация: 6 Янв 2007, 18:28
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Просмотр сообщения clair (Пятница, 29 декабря 2006, 03:32:00) писал:

- Да, так.
Сегодня,как раз, новая неделя, где у Мэйсона с Дженнис начались... поцелуи :kiss:

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 60 (Мейсон возвращается домой)

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I always liked playing Mason when he was drinking-I didn't have to worry about how I looked. Is it just me, or were they writing us awfully well?

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Notice Linda Gibbony's levels in these scenes-I love the "Who, me?" stuff. Love the end of these clips-old Mason could really shake 'em down back in the day…

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There I go, talking to myself again. A somewhat heavy-handed set up, but at least it got me into bed with Harley…Not exactly Feydeau, but some fun stuff… I'm not sure where that quote comes from, but it reminds me of one from Richard III--"So wise so young, they say, do never live long."

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Watch Marcy struggle with that freaking door. It took a certain panache to make it work for you-you had to counterbalance it to open it gracefully, so if you were in a hurry, it was a problem. And if it had been physically possible to slam it, the entire set would have come down. I sort of wonder why there had never been water in the Capwell fountain…

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Poor Robin Wright again-what a homely child. Isn't it nice how well Mason gets along with his siblings…? The last time I saw A. Martinez was at a "Nutcracker' performance two years ago that featured his daughter Devon. She'd been in SSRC's A Christmas Carol the year before. We talked about the lighting on GH-a sore spot for older actors…

lane-davies.com ©

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 61

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I just love the Mary stuff. Enough said.

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No memory at all of that board room scene.
It probably felt strange to be in a tux and sober at the same time. Usually Mason would put on a tux, drink too much, say something pithy, and get knocked down by someone…Didn't realize the weight of the line "You're ready" at the time…

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Would have been too easy without some obstacles, I guess…

I had seen David Haskell (Nick) in "Godspell" on Broadway, and we both had small parts in Brian De Palma's "Body Double". I thought he was a very good actor. He unfortunately passed away in August of 2000, a victim of brain cancer.

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I can see why I spent five years on the show. For an actor, to be able to play Mason's Machiavellian side one minute, and the romantic Mary stuff the next, was more fun than fishing.

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Well...maybe not more than fishing...

lane-davies.com ©

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Просмотр сообщения Евгениия (Четверг, 28 декабря 2006, 20:18:46) писал:

Многое я пропустила... ;)
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Круче этого только :talk: "Boy. Ol’ Mason’s catching it from both sides. Nothing like having TWO pregnant women to deal with. Where’s Harley Jane when you need her? "
(MC, week 136)

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  • Группа: Контролируемые
  • Регистрация: 6 Янв 2007, 18:28
  • Сообщений: 574
  • Откуда: Рoccия
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Просмотр сообщения Вера (Пятница, 29 декабря 2006, 11:35:09) писал:

:yes: :yes: :yes:
Круче этого только :talk: "Boy. Ol’ Mason’s catching it from both sides. Nothing like having TWO pregnant women to deal with. Where’s Harley Jane when you need her? "
(MC, week 136)
О, Дэвис... О, Лэйн... :heart:

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 62 (начало активного романа Мейсона и Мэри)

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Brandon Call was a delightful boy, one of the better child actors I've worked with. Not sure how Harley managed to make that simple nurse's outfit look sexy…

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I normally hate scenes where men are pleading for attention or affection from women, but it seemed okay in the early Mason/Mary stuff. And that lavender dress-be still, my heart…

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Lulu (Louise Sorel) was a classic-one of the all-time great bitches of daytime. She was Gertrude in my 1986 Hamlet, and studied French with Todd and myself at the Institut de Francais in Villefranche sur Mer in 1989.

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Well. About that kiss at the end…

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Linda Gibbony's Gina could be such a train wreck. It's too bad they didn't keep her, and bring Robin Mattson on as another character.

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 63

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Looking back, the biggest difference in Mason/Mary and Mason/Julia was the reality factor. Mason/Mary was storybook romance, and as real as that gets, it almost never lasts. Mason /Julia was a more realistic relationship, at least as far as Daytime goes.

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Don't want to get too 'guy' here, but they tended to put Harley in these wholesome-looking outfits that I wanted to rip off of her--she'd look like something from "Little House on the Prairie", and I'd feel like an over-sexed cad in a French film. This dialogue would have been very tough in different circumstances…

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A light-hearted sequence, but a nice example of good, unforced soap writing…

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I liked car scenes. You didn't have to remember any blocking (movement). And you could sit down-a nice perk during a ten-hour day…

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I had forgotten that I did sort of rip that dress off…

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  • Группа: Контролируемые
  • Регистрация: 6 Янв 2007, 18:28
  • Сообщений: 574
  • Откуда: Рoccия
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Вера, большое спасибо!

В те недели были такие романтические эпизоды...Мэйсон-Мэри...Начало начал... :love:

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  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 64

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I was getting a little tired of the Brandon/Gina/Santana thing by this time. I think I just wanted to get Mason/Mary to the next level…

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Never felt as much like Mason when I wasn't wearing a suit. Odd, because one of the reasons I went into acting is so that I wouldn't have to wear a suit…

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There's the Santana switch again…Mason as child therapist…and cad…

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Cruz Castillo-Silver-tongued devil. I think this finally concludes the Channing mystery…

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Fun stuff with Harley. The writers really did a nice job of balancing Mason's machinations with Mary's to-good-to-be-true-ness.

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Регистрация: 14 Апр 2000, 23:07
  • Сообщений: 3568
  • Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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Week 65

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The fantasy clip at the end of this sequence was a good example of how twisted and fun the writers could be. It demonstrates most what I miss in daytime-a sense of humor..

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Kathy Shower (Janice) shows up for the first time in this installment. She was Playboy's Playmate of the Year that year, and a perfect monkey wrench for the Mason/Mary story. She went on to do a pile of movies (she calls herself "Queen of the Erotic Thriller") and recently moved back to L.A. from Europe. A great girl. We're still friends.

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The Hispanic gang stuff never really got off the ground-I guess there was enough in the headlines around that time.

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"Forfend" is a good word-how many other daytime characters could get away with it? It's archaic, but cool. It means 'avert' or 'keep off', and is related to 'defend'. I have that replica 30-30 in the gun case in the study. I borrowed it for "Of Mice and Men" and it somehow never got back to the studio...That's Denzel Washington playing the delivery boy in the last scene. Just kidding.

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The 'Dylan'character never really caught on, but punching Mason was not the best way to introduce a character. But it was nice being ministered to by Harley...I'm not sure where the 'gym' line came from, but I wish I had written it.

Вот и все, 66 неделю вы видели сами :yes: .

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