Week 60 (Мейсон возвращается домой)

I always liked playing Mason when he was drinking-I didn't have to worry about how I looked. Is it just me, or were they writing us awfully well?

Notice Linda Gibbony's levels in these scenes-I love the "Who, me?" stuff. Love the end of these clips-old Mason could really shake 'em down back in the day…

There I go, talking to myself again. A somewhat heavy-handed set up, but at least it got me into bed with Harley…Not exactly Feydeau, but some fun stuff… I'm not sure where that quote comes from, but it reminds me of one from Richard III--"So wise so young, they say, do never live long."

Watch Marcy struggle with that freaking door. It took a certain panache to make it work for you-you had to counterbalance it to open it gracefully, so if you were in a hurry, it was a problem. And if it had been physically possible to slam it, the entire set would have come down. I sort of wonder why there had never been water in the Capwell fountain…

Poor Robin Wright again-what a homely child. Isn't it nice how well Mason gets along with his siblings…? The last time I saw A. Martinez was at a "Nutcracker' performance two years ago that featured his daughter Devon. She'd been in SSRC's A Christmas Carol the year before. We talked about the lighting on GH-a sore spot for older actors…
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