Кто там говорил, что Роза, мол, была Мейсону как мать?
Я тут посмотрела один весьма любопытный диалог между ней и Сантаной о Мейсоне. Сантана его хвалит вовсю, говорит, какой он хороший весь из себя и совсем не такой, каким хочет казаться, но она-то знает теперь, какой он настоящий. На что Роза ей отвечает: да знаю я его, подлый и безжалостный типчик, держись от него подальше.
S: CC is finished with me. But he feels like he`s been betrayed by me, that`s all.
R: And now it`s you and Mason. (угрожающим тоном)
S: Mama, Mason`s been very good to me.
R: Santana, I just don`t know...
S: Mama, look. This is the first time that I can see Mason for who he is. And I like what I see.
R: And what is it you think you see?
S: He is vulnerable. And he needs someone. You know, this whole act that he puts on for everybody is not the way he is. He`s been hurt by CC, too. And I can understand exactly how he feels. And I think that`s why he`s opened up to me. Why he shows me who he really is.
R: I`ve known him, too. I`ve seen him. He`s always wanted you, Santana. That`s all right. You are a beautiful girl. But he has a mean streak. He can be ruthless. You know it. And so do I.
S: I know.
R: He seems in control, but he can be desperate if he`s pushed too far.
S: I know, mama.
R: I don`t think you do. When he thought he had lost you to CC I saw his anger starting to boil. He can`t take losing to his father. He can`t take losing to anyone when someone crosses him. He can be frightening, Santana.
S: Mama...
R: He can. He... (не расслышала слово)
S: Mama, don`t you think you are being a little ridiculous?
R: I like Mason, dear. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. But he frightens me. He`s always scared me, Santana, and now that you are involved with him he scares me even more.
S: Mama, where are you going with all of this? Mason is a normal man with normal needs. Why is it that you are looking at him so negative all of a sudden?
R: I can`t help it.
S: Well, try, mama. Look, Mason is upset with CC. He`s been hurt, that`s all.
R: Yes, I know he has. And people who`ve been hurt sometimes tend to hurt others. They don`t know how to do anything else, dear. Be careful of Mason`s affections. Be careful, Santana.
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Сообщение отредактировал аж_два_о: Понедельник, 05 июля 2010, 17:19:00