Музыка из "Санта Барбары"
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Фанфики по сериалу Санта-Барбара | Santa Barbara - FanfictionsТА-76, 6 Мар 2025, 19:36
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In the 1980s, two cassettes were released with music from the show under the Puppytracks label. These are the playlists:
SB Love Themes (copyright 1986):
I want to Live in Santa Barbara - Rick Rhodes, Vivian Rhodes, Joe Harnell [my note - sung by Rick Rhodes]
Reunite* - Dominic Messenger, Anthony Marinelli, Brian Banks
Golden Gate* - Dominic Messinger, Art Phillips
Miami Beach* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Salt Air* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Santa Barbara Theme (Dance Version)* - Joe Harnell, Rick Rhodes, Dominic Messinger
Sweet and Simple - Dominic Messinger, Anthony Marinelli, Brian Banks [my note - I don't know who is singing...this was Kelly's theme around the time she was with Nick in 85]
Change Up / Change of Pace Melody* - James Dunre (sic), Dominic Messinger
Action Jackson* - Dominic Messinger
Chablis* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Mrs. Capwell's Cookies - Dominic Messinger
Santa Barbara Love Themes Vol. II (copyright 1988)
I Want to Live in Santa Barbara (Part II) - Rick Rhodes, Vivian Rhodes, Joe Harnell; sung by Rick Rhodes
Remember When* - Dominic Messinger
Mountain Man* - Dominic Messinger
All Alone - Rick Rhodes, Gary Griffin, Dominic Messinger; sung by Chris Farren
Who Loves You - Liz Lachman; sung by Liz Lachman
The Miracle of Love - Rick Rhodes, Dominic Messinger, Marc Greene; sung by Darryl Phinnessee
Vivian's Eyes (Pamela's Love Theme)* - Rick Rhodes, Marc Greene
Bad Boys* - Dominic Messinger, Art Phillips
The Utah Suite* - Dominic Messinger, Rick Rhodes
Together in Our Dreams - Dominic Messinger, Scott Scheer; sung by Shelby Flint
Happy Ending* - Dominic Messinger
(Borrowed from here: http://www.lisa071573.com/SB.html)
crazydiamond (Среда, 25 марта 2020, 01:19:46) писал:
In the 1980s, two cassettes were released with music from the show under the Puppytracks label. These are the playlists:
SB Love Themes (copyright 1986):
I want to Live in Santa Barbara - Rick Rhodes, Vivian Rhodes, Joe Harnell [my note - sung by Rick Rhodes]
Reunite* - Dominic Messenger, Anthony Marinelli, Brian Banks
Golden Gate* - Dominic Messinger, Art Phillips
Miami Beach* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Salt Air* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Santa Barbara Theme (Dance Version)* - Joe Harnell, Rick Rhodes, Dominic Messinger
Sweet and Simple - Dominic Messinger, Anthony Marinelli, Brian Banks [my note - I don't know who is singing...this was Kelly's theme around the time she was with Nick in 85]
Change Up / Change of Pace Melody* - James Dunre (sic), Dominic Messinger
Action Jackson* - Dominic Messinger
Chablis* - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Mrs. Capwell's Cookies - Dominic Messinger
Santa Barbara Love Themes Vol. II (copyright 1988)
I Want to Live in Santa Barbara (Part II) - Rick Rhodes, Vivian Rhodes, Joe Harnell; sung by Rick Rhodes
Remember When* - Dominic Messinger
Mountain Man* - Dominic Messinger
All Alone - Rick Rhodes, Gary Griffin, Dominic Messinger; sung by Chris Farren
Who Loves You - Liz Lachman; sung by Liz Lachman
The Miracle of Love - Rick Rhodes, Dominic Messinger, Marc Greene; sung by Darryl Phinnessee
Vivian's Eyes (Pamela's Love Theme)* - Rick Rhodes, Marc Greene
Bad Boys* - Dominic Messinger, Art Phillips
The Utah Suite* - Dominic Messinger, Rick Rhodes
Together in Our Dreams - Dominic Messinger, Scott Scheer; sung by Shelby Flint
Happy Ending* - Dominic Messinger
(Borrowed from here: http://www.lisa071573.com/SB.html)
Yes, you are right, I have most of all. But for the link on your collection many thanks! Downloaded, I'll see - maybe my quality is worse.
crazydiamond (Среда, 25 марта 2020, 01:19:46) писал:
Salt Air - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
Chablis - Dominic Messinger, Pam Scheer
I wonder - where Pam Scheer came from, if Scot Scheer wrote both Sauvignon and Ocean Air - earlier version themes!
Although if they couldn’t write the name of Jimmy Dunne, it is not surprising!
(One of his solo albums has a track called 'Pam's Song':
Сообщение отредактировал crazydiamond: Пятница, 27 марта 2020, 17:56:50
crazydiamond (Воскресенье, 29 марта 2020, 02:13:38) писал:
Thanks a lot! But there are hardly any themes from the series. I think this disc does not have the desired tracks. I once wrote Cliff Downs and he even answered me that he has music from Santa Barbara and he is even ready to share it. But then for some reason he stopped responding. That was in 2012. I think we should write to composers. Perhaps they will send us something.
I bought the Harnell album and received a digital download link almost right away! I can assure you that Harnell’s library was used during the 1984 episodes, some even up to 1988. It is the more orchestral stuff. (You can listen to some samples on the link I sent you)
Don’t feel good about it to throw it all online even before the physical album is released, but I think in time it will appear here. If you remember the music from the early episodes it is certainly worth the buy

crazydiamond (Воскресенье, 29 марта 2020, 10:08:44) писал:
I bought the Harnell album and received a digital download link almost right away! I can assure you that Harnell’s library was used during the 1984 episodes, some even up to 1988. It is the more orchestral stuff. (You can listen to some samples on the link I sent you)
Don’t feel good about it to throw it all online even before the physical album is released, but I think in time it will appear here. If you remember the music from the early episodes it is certainly worth the buy

crazydiamond, thanks for your comment about this disc. Could you tell please what couples were shown under this music? Especially I'm interested in music what was used up to 1988. Are there prominent tunes that we're looking for a long time?

Сообщение отредактировал Nik87: Понедельник, 30 марта 2020, 03:33:00
From the instrumental captures on the French site, these are included on the Harnell album:
Dramatic 3
Action 2, 4
Suspense 9
Romantic 6
Sad 7, 8
Comedy 3, 4
Drama at the Capwells 2, 5
Scene opening 1, 3
Scene ending 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 19
Augusta 3
Santana 2, 4
Laken & Ted 3
crazydiamond (Понедельник, 30 марта 2020, 10:00:43) писал:
From the instrumental captures on the French site, these are included on the Harnell album:
Dramatic 3
Action 2, 4
Suspense 9
Romantic 6
Sad 7, 8
Comedy 3, 4
Drama at the Capwells 2, 5
Scene opening 1, 3
Scene ending 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 19
Augusta 3
Santana 2, 4
Laken & Ted 3
crazydiamond, thank you so much! I've recognized some tunes and now I really think that this disc is worth of buying

boldboy (Воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020, 01:18:59) писал:
Now the album is not there!
I wrote Liz on Facebook, asked - where can I buy her albums, there is no answer!
Alright thanks for the info, and for all the uploads! This forum is an incredible resource.

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