Музыка из "Санта Барбары"
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crazydiamond (Вторник, 01 сентября 2020, 23:57:07) писал:
Wow! Thanks a lot for the find!
I've already downloaded the album, I'll listen.
Are you listened the whole album?
Apart from this track, what else was played in Santa Barbara, maybe?
By the way, last week I also found this one:

Just for the sake of it, these were the other musical pieces during that storyline:

crazydiamond (Среда, 02 сентября 2020, 16:46:37) писал:
Got it!
crazydiamond (Среда, 02 сентября 2020, 16:46:37) писал:

Just for the sake of it, these were the other musical pieces during that storyline:

Thanks again for finding the rare SB music.
Awesome melody. The album cover is great.
Yes, I know the other two tunes.
This site features the production library of Michael Licari, who composed many tracks for the show. We already knew his album Daydreaming, but here we find most of the rest:
A Remark You Made
Looking for Time 2
Once Only 1
Written Word 3
Industry 2
Industry 3
Dry Ice
The Talk
River Man
Safe Now 2
One Peanut
Two Peanut
Search for the above thracks and I'm sure you will be pleased

crazydiamond (Четверг, 03 сентября 2020, 12:12:26) писал:
This site features the production library of Michael Licari, who composed many tracks for the show. We already knew his album Daydreaming, but here we find most of the rest:
A Remark You Made
Looking for Time 2
Once Only 1
Written Word 3
Industry 2
Industry 3
Dry Ice
The Talk
River Man
Safe Now 2
One Peanut
Two Peanut
Search for the above thracks and I'm sure you will be pleased

Another big thank you from me!
I downloaded all these tracks, and listened, added them to my archive.
But it's hard for me to understand - where and what sounded in the SB, apparently it's music from the later seasons of the show, which I haven't watched.
I especially liked the track Once Only.
boldboy (Воскресенье, 06 сентября 2020, 13:30:43) писал:
I downloaded all these tracks, and listened, added them to my archive.
But it's hard for me to understand - where and what sounded in the SB, apparently it's music from the later seasons of the show, which I haven't watched.
I especially liked the track Once Only.
A Remark You Made > sad scenes 1987-1988 (during Utah storyline)
Looking for Time 2 > mourning over Eden (1987)
Once Only 1 > Sawyer meets Aurora (1992)
Written Word 3 > Aurora visits Samantha (1992, around ep.1985)
Industry 2 > Very famous one! Elena-storyline and later in 1988 with Cruz & Eden making love while Sandra is "connected" to Eden.
Industry 3 > Same as above, but without saxophone
Dry Ice > 1987-1992: Gus Jackson storyline, Utah, Harry Winslow gets killed, El Diablo mine, Ted & Angela trapped in a cave
Icefields > Confrontation between Stephen and Cassandra (John O'Hurley's final scene)
Obsession > Emotional scenes during Quinn storyline
The Talk > Minx is Cassandra's mother
River Man > Investigation & Schemes in 1990 (Cruz searches Ric, Cassandra scheming)
Speechless > Willoughby's Island (1988), Mason & Julia's honeymoon (1989), El Diablo (1989)
Safe Now 2 > Joyful/emotional scenes, 1990s
One Peanut + Two Peanut > Mason during the Tonell storyline, Lionel is "dead" and is caught by CC at the remains of the Lockbridge house, Gina visits comatose Sophia. And many more
Also search for:
Industry 1 > Right before the Pebble Creek reunion, when Eden visits the gallery
Ocean View > Instrumental version played at Johnny's 1986-1989
Close the door > drama scenes 1992
Сообщение отредактировал crazydiamond: Воскресенье, 06 сентября 2020, 23:02:04
CapRidge (Воскресенье, 06 сентября 2020, 13:54:10) писал:
Там всё просто. На главной странице сайта, открывающейся по ссылке, в поисковой строке наверху вводишь название нужного трека и поиск выдаёт его из библиотеки.
crazydiamond (Воскресенье, 06 сентября 2020, 23:00:32) писал:
A Remark You Made > sad scenes 1987-1988 (during Utah storyline)
Looking for Time 2 > mourning over Eden (1987)
Once Only 1 > Sawyer meets Aurora (1992)
Written Word 3 > Aurora visits Samantha (1992, around ep.1985)
Industry 2 > Very famous one! Elena-storyline and later in 1988 with Cruz & Eden making love while Sandra is "connected" to Eden.
Industry 3 > Same as above, but without saxophone
Dry Ice > 1987-1992: Gus Jackson storyline, Utah, Harry Winslow gets killed, El Diablo mine, Ted & Angela trapped in a cave
Icefields > Confrontation between Stephen and Cassandra (John O'Hurley's final scene)
Obsession > Emotional scenes during Quinn storyline
The Talk > Minx is Cassandra's mother
River Man > Investigation & Schemes in 1990 (Cruz searches Ric, Cassandra scheming)
Speechless > Willoughby's Island (1988), Mason & Julia's honeymoon (1989), El Diablo (1989)
Safe Now 2 > Joyful/emotional scenes, 1990s
One Peanut + Two Peanut > Mason during the Tonell storyline, Lionel is "dead" and is caught by CC at the remains of the Lockbridge house, Gina visits comatose Sophia. And many more
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
crazydiamond (Воскресенье, 06 сентября 2020, 23:00:32) писал:
Industry 1 > Right before the Pebble Creek reunion, when Eden visits the gallery
Ocean View > Instrumental version played at Johnny's 1986-1989
Close the door > drama scenes 1992
Thank you so much. I am amazed at your music hearing skill!

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