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Музыка из "Санта Барбары"

поиск (объединенная тема)

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  • Регистрация: 22 Июн 2015, 00:49
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Просмотр сообщенияcrazydiamond (Суббота, 21 ноября 2020, 21:52:20) писал:

This is his obituary: https://www.hillside...dley-ender/911/

I don’t think those themes are too similar, sorry. The Mary’s death theme was part of the music set that was introduced when CC came out of his coma. I think they are by Dominic Messinger, but of course I’m not sure.

This library album was released in 1994, so apparently Mr. Ender reused some of his older music later on.

Thanks so much for this link! Now I'm aware that he's dead. But I think we need to check more music libraries where can be found his themes from SB.

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  • Регистрация: 10 Июл 2010, 13:00
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Просмотр сообщенияNik87 (Суббота, 21 ноября 2020, 23:38:14) писал:

Thanks so much for this link! Now I'm aware that he's dead. But I think we need to check more music libraries where can be found his themes from SB.

Absolutely! There definately is more. In the past couple of months alone I have discovered Santa Barbara music on 1990s and 2000s libraries like Producer's Music LIbrary (Barry Devorzon & Richard Hazard), Sonoton (Rick Rhodes & co) and Soundblast.tv (Michael Licari). I also think more and more music is being digitalized.

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Просмотр сообщенияcrazydiamond (Воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020, 00:25:12) писал:

Absolutely! There definately is more. In the past couple of months alone I have discovered Santa Barbara music on 1990s and 2000s libraries like Producer's Music LIbrary (Barry Devorzon & Richard Hazard), Sonoton (Rick Rhodes & co) and Soundblast.tv (Michael Licari). I also think more and more music is being digitalized.

Сообщение отредактировал Nik87: Воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020, 00:53:51


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  • Регистрация: 10 Июл 2010, 13:00
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Ah yes, that’s one of the best! One of the “Undine” themes (with the voice representing the mermaid’s cry).

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The other Undine ones are also nice:

I always thought the voice might be Marcy Levy, since some of the tunes had the guitar melody from the One Way song.
But this one indeed stays the best:


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Просмотр сообщенияcrazydiamond (Воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020, 01:49:22) писал:

The other Undine ones are also nice:

I always thought the voice might be Marcy Levy, since some of the tunes had the guitar melody from the One Way song.
But this one indeed stays the best:

It's so beautiful and magic!!! And it really looks like Marcella Detroit's (Marcy Levy) voice. Probably it's her. Thanks so much for your samples) You've compiled all can be :good: I hope once we can find all of it or maybe at least something ;)

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А кто знает, что это за песня звучала под сюжет Келли и Джеффри? Была ещё и её инстументальная версия, но иногда и песня, вот как здесь, в 640-й серии, начиная с отрезка 4.28:

Сообщение отредактировал CapRidge: Воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020, 14:55:09


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Listen to your heart, by Cathy Hudnall.

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Просмотр сообщенияcrazydiamond (Воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020, 16:14:58) писал:

Listen to your heart, by Cathy Hudnall.
Спасибо! А найти её, я так понимаю, нереально?

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I'm afraid not... I tried to contact Cathy Hudnall once, but no reply.

This capture from the show is the best I can do for you:
And two instrumental versions:

(This was actually the first Santa Barbara theme that really caught my attention, with that strange percussion intro. I started watching the show around this storyline)

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