Мэйси (Пятница, 18 декабря 2009, 17:10:28) писал:
С Днём Рождения, Лэйн Дэвис!
Гость_Читатель, Четверг, 31 июля 2008, 12:08:51
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Девчат,кому не сложно, не в службу, а в дружбу! Помогите с фотками - я просто сейчас вне зоны нормального интернета. Нужны фото из сериалов Babylon 5 (где Лэйн под крокодила какого-то загриммирован) , The Crew (где он в фуражке летной). И вообще какие-нибудь характерные ролевые фотки. Качество "чем лучше, тем лучше" - понимаю, что многого хотим, но вдруг кто найдет...
И высылайте сразу Julmers на почту - она у нее в профайле.
И высылайте сразу Julmers на почту - она у нее в профайле.
Девочки,это наверное окончательный вариант)))
Happy Birthday,Mason...that is, Lane!!
He opened his eyes with " The stampede is on " feeling. Birthday and the accompaning horde of difficulties- enough to justify May-Day appeal.
He heaved a sigh and softly recited the 66th sonnet. Coming to the winding lines he smiled -"Well,Lane, it is hardly that tragic though that bounder of a Mason is enough to make one renounce the career of an actor with the bitterness of a McBeth and determination of Coriolanus".
The Weltshcmerz syndrom had very reasonable grounds - yesterday the "Mason- forever" victim received 45 calls, 62 letters and а visit from a female fan who informed him that he was the love of her life.
Davies offered his condolences- the lady was hurt.
"But I am a fan of yours".
"No." Davies said succinctly, "You and the like of you are not fans. You are rather....How shall I put it in PC- English? Life expectancy adjustment workers. I wish you would try "fanning" the FBI- the system might stand it. Anyway, good luck."
Closing the door he muttered:
"My life resembles more and more a remake of "Brave New World", a quotation from Ionesco, a DIY -manual on сar-fixing in Caesars hands and a line of Shakespeare in Whitmans poem. It is time to swap Beckett for Trollope."
Now he clearly understood that the Mason disease - rampant all the year round- became especially aggressive on his birthdays. Oh, well..
The e-mail he received 10 minutes later confirmed his determination to set off for Alaska- immediately. It was a enormous message from a Russian group of What- is- Mason- to- me.
"The also-ran list is now complete." , he summed up and added tragically: "It was the last straw that broke the camels back.- I could have sworn that Russia is Mason-proof. Why, for the last 100 years they seem to be too busy trying to answer the Who is to blame and What is to be done questions to go in for tomfoolery."
Clearly things have gone too far- well so will he ! He will do it!
And he did.
Happy Birthday,Mason...that is, Lane!!
He opened his eyes with " The stampede is on " feeling. Birthday and the accompaning horde of difficulties- enough to justify May-Day appeal.
He heaved a sigh and softly recited the 66th sonnet. Coming to the winding lines he smiled -"Well,Lane, it is hardly that tragic though that bounder of a Mason is enough to make one renounce the career of an actor with the bitterness of a McBeth and determination of Coriolanus".
The Weltshcmerz syndrom had very reasonable grounds - yesterday the "Mason- forever" victim received 45 calls, 62 letters and а visit from a female fan who informed him that he was the love of her life.
Davies offered his condolences- the lady was hurt.
"But I am a fan of yours".
"No." Davies said succinctly, "You and the like of you are not fans. You are rather....How shall I put it in PC- English? Life expectancy adjustment workers. I wish you would try "fanning" the FBI- the system might stand it. Anyway, good luck."
Closing the door he muttered:
"My life resembles more and more a remake of "Brave New World", a quotation from Ionesco, a DIY -manual on сar-fixing in Caesars hands and a line of Shakespeare in Whitmans poem. It is time to swap Beckett for Trollope."
Now he clearly understood that the Mason disease - rampant all the year round- became especially aggressive on his birthdays. Oh, well..
The e-mail he received 10 minutes later confirmed his determination to set off for Alaska- immediately. It was a enormous message from a Russian group of What- is- Mason- to- me.
"The also-ran list is now complete." , he summed up and added tragically: "It was the last straw that broke the camels back.- I could have sworn that Russia is Mason-proof. Why, for the last 100 years they seem to be too busy trying to answer the Who is to blame and What is to be done questions to go in for tomfoolery."
Clearly things have gone too far- well so will he ! He will do it!
And he did.
Сообщение отредактировал Джой: Понедельник, 19 июля 2010, 09:30:22
Мэйси (Пятница, 18 декабря 2009, 18:40:34) писал:
Первый вариант, если честно, понравился больше. Он "легче" как-то.
А почему Davidson?
А почему Davidson?
Насчет вариантов- еще подумаю:)))
Джой (Пятница, 18 декабря 2009, 21:13:59) писал:
Мэйси,спасибо за указание! Уже исправила.
Насчет вариантов- еще подумаю:)))
Насчет вариантов- еще подумаю:)))
Так - вопрос просто и личное впечатление высказала.
Сообщение отредактировал Мэйси: Воскресенье, 18 июля 2010, 21:30:01
Джой, отличное поздравление!!! Правда, первый вариант мне больше понравился ,он как-то лаконичнее...
Кстати, мысль убежать на Аляску тоже согласуется с Шекспиром:
"Любовь бежит от тех, кто гонится за нею, а тем, кто прочь бежит, кидается на шею."
А еще, кто о чем .а вот что в голову лезет, только не знаю насколько в рифму...
"For never was a story of more woe
Than that of Mary. Away she had to go..."
Кстати, мысль убежать на Аляску тоже согласуется с Шекспиром:
"Любовь бежит от тех, кто гонится за нею, а тем, кто прочь бежит, кидается на шею."
А еще, кто о чем .а вот что в голову лезет, только не знаю насколько в рифму...
"For never was a story of more woe
Than that of Mary. Away she had to go..."
Сообщение отредактировал Fyyf: Вторник, 20 июля 2010, 08:06:43
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