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Эннио Морриконе / Ennio Morricone саундтреки
из других фильмов и сериалов
Александр, Вторник, 01 февраля 2005, 13:53:56
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kuvshinka, Сегодня, 16:40:42
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Morricone says:"Yesterday Tornatore phoned me. We have talked about several things. There is s a big problem for LENINGRAD. He is searching for two different locations in Russia with the snow, real snow, and the locations must also have original russian churchs. If he does not find these locations in a short time, LENINGRAD could be postponed if not cancelled. He told that this particular is very important. He has also told that if for one reason or another he does not film LENINGRAD, he will start, after summer, another one film of which the screenplay is ready and then he will do LENINGRAD".
"What's the subject of this new film"? " I don't know"!
"LENINGRAD risks to be never filmed". "I attend to music, not to cinema".
"Let's talk a little about music, will you? Have you already composed some tracks for LENINGRAD"? "You mean written down"? "Yes"! "Not exactly: let's say that, for the moment, I'm thinking about different solutions, but it's not easy...I have many ideas, but before I would like to know something more about the story".
"It's a film about the war, but in the film intertwines also a love story". "Correct"!
After having heard it :" Wonderful and wonderful orchestration...(while he is speaking I perceive that he is thinking about something, but I don't know what)...we can ask Haendel to compose the soundtrack. Jokes aside, it will be a long and hard work...very beautiful "Care selve". He goes on thinking about something...I don't know what.
"A definitive word about LENINGRAD from Tornatore"? "Within July, I think"!
He liked all them very much.
Morricone says:"Yesterday Tornatore phoned me. We have talked about several things. There is s a big problem for LENINGRAD. He is searching for two different locations in Russia with the snow, real snow, and the locations must also have original russian churchs. If he does not find these locations in a short time, LENINGRAD could be postponed if not cancelled. He told that this particular is very important. He has also told that if for one reason or another he does not film LENINGRAD, he will start, after summer, another one film of which the screenplay is ready and then he will do LENINGRAD".
"What's the subject of this new film"? " I don't know"!
"LENINGRAD risks to be never filmed". "I attend to music, not to cinema".
"Let's talk a little about music, will you? Have you already composed some tracks for LENINGRAD"? "You mean written down"? "Yes"! "Not exactly: let's say that, for the moment, I'm thinking about different solutions, but it's not easy...I have many ideas, but before I would like to know something more about the story".
"It's a film about the war, but in the film intertwines also a love story". "Correct"!
After having heard it :" Wonderful and wonderful orchestration...(while he is speaking I perceive that he is thinking about something, but I don't know what)...we can ask Haendel to compose the soundtrack. Jokes aside, it will be a long and hard work...very beautiful "Care selve". He goes on thinking about something...I don't know what.
"A definitive word about LENINGRAD from Tornatore"? "Within July, I think"!
He liked all them very much.
Я бы с удовольствием сходил, но к сожаленью концерты будут проходить в будние дни
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юбилей Эннио Морриконе
Да, Великому маэстро 85 лет! Хочется поздравить Эннио Морриконе с юбилеем и пожелать ему крепкого здоровья и еще долго оставаться столь же бодрым, и написать еще много замечательной музыки!
Да, Великому маэстро 85 лет! Хочется поздравить Эннио Морриконе с юбилеем и пожелать ему крепкого здоровья и еще долго оставаться столь же бодрым, и написать еще много замечательной музыки!
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