Мейсона сочли погибшим при взрыве в церкви, где он расследовал убийство Марка Маккормика, которое Кейт всеми силами пытался повесить на Мейсона. После того взрыва и появился Сонни Спрокет.
Это текст завещания:
Mason`s WillI Mason Lamont Capwell, being in obscene mind and body, do here by make and declare this to be my last will in testament. To my stepmother Sophia, I leave my collection of rare books. I never propily thanked you but I am more gratefull than you know for all the nights you sat, read to me and for your great expectations. To my brother Ted, I will leave my blueships stocks and treasure classic 450SL (car). Put the top down and think of me when you drive up the pacific coast highway. To my sister Kelly, I leave my horse Lightning, because you understand the thrill of the race better than anyone. To my father, Channing Creighton Capwell , I leave (then CC starts remembering when after the Mason`s accident, he told Mason he was proud of him and told that loved him and he was speechless and they made up.) then the lawyer continues: And to Victoria Capwell, I leave 100 000 dollars to be put aside for Chips education. The remainder of my estate and all other holdings and posessions I leave to Julia Wainwright and our daughter Samantha. I love you both more than I was ever able to express, but I think you both knew that. (Lawyer tells also individual letters but not to Jeffrey and Pamela)
http://www.fortuneci...0/sbletters.htmНо, насколько помню, Джеффри не обиделся и даже накричал на мамашу, что всё по справедливости - ведь они не были настоящей семьёй Мейсона.
А это та сцена, где СиСи обнимает Мейсона:
Мейсон был ранен, спасая жизни своих незадачливых папы и мамы:
