Джой (Понедельник, 07 декабря 2009, 13:29:09) писал:
Да.Я написала именно 89.

А вот и скрипт:
1990 Eden says Goodbye to Robert Barr
R: Come in. It's open.
E: Am I disturbing you?
R: You always disturb me, Eden. Don't you know that?
E: I just didn't like the way we left things.
R: How would you like to leave things?
E: Well, you left and I didn't get to thank you for asking to drive me or
let me explain.
R: Explain? We had this for the last six months. Let's just make this
short and sweet, alright?
E: You sound angry.
R: Angry? Why would I be angry? I mean, what am I to you? I am not
your husband, I am not your lover. In fact, in public we act like we
don't even know each other. I am your embarrassment, that's what
I am. Isn't that right? Isn't that right? Look, I can live without anyone
else's respect, but I will not do without yours.
E: You have my respect. I'm afraid that's all I can give you.
R: You can... You can give me a lot more than that, Eden, and you
know it.
E: You deserve more.
R: Thank you, I think.
E: From somebody who loves you. And I'm sorry, Robert, but that's
not gonna be me.
R: At least you are finally being direct for once.
E: You're always demanding that I make some sort of decision. And
tonight I realized that decision had been made for me a long time
ago. And I don't think I can change it.
R: Cruz. That's your decision.
E: I'm sorry. I don't see how this is some sort of surprise for you. I
mean you are the one that predicted it. You saw that it was so
obvious. I don't know why I didn't see it. But the possibility in my
mind that I may lose him for the rest of my life...
R: Look, anyone can loose anything in any minute. Have you just
figured that out? You can loose an eye, a leg, your looks, your
children, you can loose me in the time it takes to say: I'm sorry, I
don't mean to hurt you. And if this was the next sentence that
came out of your mouth you can loose that too.
E: Look, I was thinking of things in the wrong way. I admit that. I was
trying to wave love against love and love was beside the point.
Cruz isn't just a man in my life. He is the ground I stand on. You
don't love me because you loved me. You love me because I love
him. It was that basic.
R: I loved you before you even knew he existed. Now he is the
ground you stand on and what was I? What was I, Eden? You
don't know?
E: I don't wanna tell you. Hopefully my love for you was my last
rebellion. Look, you are right. I never wanted to be tamed. I never
wanted to need anybody. It wasn't natural for me. And in all my life
all I seem to do is hurt the people who needed me most. I hurt you
all those years ago, I hurt Cruz when I met him, I've hurt him now,
more than I can ever know, because of you. And I am so sorry that
it took me until now to know the difference.
R: Are you sure of all this? You are not gonna change your mind
E: All I know is that it was wasteful and it was stupid to keep alive
some rebellion when there was nothing to rebel against.
R: At least we found a way to classify me. I was a stupid waste of
your precious time.
E: No...
R: No, you are right. I was more than that, at least at the end. I was a
valuable assurance. Someone you could fall back on when Cruz
wouldn't have you back. But now you see your chances with him
and therefore you could afford it to cut me loose.
E: Cruz may never come back to me.
R: Then I guess you know what it's like to keep hanging on to hope.
E: Maybe.
R : Well, whatever happens with him. Lets get one thing straight: You
stay the hell out of my life. I never want to see your face again.
You understand?
E: I understand, Robert.

P.S. Можно заодно и сравнить с нашим русским вариантом. Ведь по любому там косяки найдутся помимо "детского бунта" и "Ему сейчас гораздо хуже чем было тебе", о которых мы уже говорили.
Сообщение отредактировал Assol: Среда, 07 июля 2010, 15:07:05