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Фанфики по сериалу Санта-Барбара | Santa Barbara - FanfictionsТА-76, 6 Мар 2025, 19:36
Туман перед рассветом.39
Фанфики по сериалу Санта-Барбара | Santa Barbara - FanfictionsКелли Хант, 19 Янв 2025, 21:46
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Азиатские сериалы. Дорамы и live-actionDeJavu, 4 Янв 2025, 12:40
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Азиатские сериалы. Дорамы и live-actionkuvshinka, 14 Дек 2024, 16:15
Как мило Марси Эю ресничку убрала на 2:21
Иден Барр, спасибо за видео, без улыбки смотреть на этих стиляг невозможно))

Иден Барр, спасибо за видео, без улыбки смотреть на этих стиляг невозможно))
Иден Барр (Суббота, 10 декабря 2011, 01:16:43) писал:
Pretty Women - Иден и Кейт.

Такие довольные лица..

Рooh (Воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011, 19:54:59) писал:
Очень понравился клип
Такие довольные лица..
Ощущение, что актеры сами попросили совместную storyline

Такие довольные лица..

Чистила свои флешки, вот что нашла: комментарии Лейна Девиса к Хроникам, в которых упоминается Марси/Иден (все, либо почти все
) Надеюсь, я ничего не нарушу, если здесь их выложу
Even the directors were finding their feet. Notice that in introducing the much-anticipated Marcy Walker to the show, it takes about two minutes to get to a decent shot of her face...
Marcy was an interesting girl. Really good actress. I always thought Eden and Mason had a fun sort of chemistry, but I never could sell TPTB on an incest storyline. We were only half brother and sister...I also asked for a storyline with Missy Brennan…
Marcy was fresh off 'All My Children', and way more comfortable with the daytime pace than most of the rest of us.
They could've done more with the Mason/Eden rivalry--it was dropped pretty early on.
Marcy looks like an old-time movie star in this clip. No wonder I asked for an incest storyline...
Watch Marcy struggle with that freaking door. It took a certain panache to make it work for you-you had to counterbalance it to open it gracefully, so if you were in a hurry, it was a problem. And if it had been physically possible to slam it, the entire set would have come down.
What's going on with Marcy's hair in this clip...? I don't recall a wind-tunnel on Stage 11...
Marcy does some very nice work in this sequence - fun dynamics when all the Capwell kids were in the same room…
What's going on with Marcy's hair? It reminds me of that scene from 'Something about Mary'...
Those scrubs are a nice look for A. and Marcy, aren't they?
I was so envious of Marcy's wheelchair. Imagine getting to sit down all day...Between SB's 10 or 12 hour days and three hours of Macbeth a night, I was barely able to stand up...
Catch the J.D. Salinger reference? Marcy and Nancy look like they're missing their organ grinder...
I was probably thinking that the elopement idea was to save money for the producers--they spent so much on the Cruz/Eden opus, that I'm sure they were looking for ways to cut back.
Marcy and I danced around an incest story-line, but we could never get the producers to go for it. The Capwells were already so dysfunctional, it wouldn't have been all that surprising.
Not really like work when it was just A, Marcy and me.

Even the directors were finding their feet. Notice that in introducing the much-anticipated Marcy Walker to the show, it takes about two minutes to get to a decent shot of her face...
Marcy was an interesting girl. Really good actress. I always thought Eden and Mason had a fun sort of chemistry, but I never could sell TPTB on an incest storyline. We were only half brother and sister...I also asked for a storyline with Missy Brennan…
Marcy was fresh off 'All My Children', and way more comfortable with the daytime pace than most of the rest of us.
They could've done more with the Mason/Eden rivalry--it was dropped pretty early on.
Marcy looks like an old-time movie star in this clip. No wonder I asked for an incest storyline...
Watch Marcy struggle with that freaking door. It took a certain panache to make it work for you-you had to counterbalance it to open it gracefully, so if you were in a hurry, it was a problem. And if it had been physically possible to slam it, the entire set would have come down.
What's going on with Marcy's hair in this clip...? I don't recall a wind-tunnel on Stage 11...
Marcy does some very nice work in this sequence - fun dynamics when all the Capwell kids were in the same room…
What's going on with Marcy's hair? It reminds me of that scene from 'Something about Mary'...
Those scrubs are a nice look for A. and Marcy, aren't they?
I was so envious of Marcy's wheelchair. Imagine getting to sit down all day...Between SB's 10 or 12 hour days and three hours of Macbeth a night, I was barely able to stand up...
Catch the J.D. Salinger reference? Marcy and Nancy look like they're missing their organ grinder...
I was probably thinking that the elopement idea was to save money for the producers--they spent so much on the Cruz/Eden opus, that I'm sure they were looking for ways to cut back.
Marcy and I danced around an incest story-line, but we could never get the producers to go for it. The Capwells were already so dysfunctional, it wouldn't have been all that surprising.
Not really like work when it was just A, Marcy and me.
Habanita (Воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011, 01:34:54) писал:
Ольга 0891 сказал:
Эта очень-очень понра

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