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урааа! я последние дни измучалась её искать)) спасибо большое)

Музыкальный Архив Санта-Барбары
Вся музыка собирается здесь
ZACK, Среда, 03 февраля 2010, 22:03:53

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This thread is an incredible resource! I look at that pdf list of all the songs a lot. Thanks for all the work you have all been doing!
I'd appreciate any help, because it's driving me crazy!
I'd appreciate any help, because it's driving me crazy!
Mason231 (Вторник, 23 мая 2023, 16:08:56) писал:
This thread is an incredible resource! I look at that pdf list of all the songs a lot. Thanks for all the work you have all been doing!
I'd appreciate any help, because it's driving me crazy!
I'd appreciate any help, because it's driving me crazy!

Сообщение отредактировал CapRidge: Вторник, 23 мая 2023, 17:56:58
CapRidge (Вторник, 23 мая 2023, 17:53:29) писал:
Yes, this is a very famous thing from the 19th century - Léo Delibes - "The Flower Duet (Lakmé)". One of the most popular opera parts used nowadays in various phenomena of popular culture. In one of the old interviews, Christopher Norris, the performer of the role of Laura, even seems to claim that she offered to launch this beautiful classic thing under the scenes with her heroine.
In Santa Barbara, by the way, it sounds not only in the original, but most often in the form reworked by the composers of the series.

Excellent! Thank you so much for this information!
Всем привет!
Давно я здесь ничего не выкладывал. Чуть больше 2х лет, если не ошибаюсь.
Но сами понимаете, что происходит в мире. Но я вернулся и снова с вами.
Представляю вашему вниманию сборник, который я составил. Озаглавил его, по понятным причинам, часть 5.
Составлял я его долго, в нём 40 композиций. Весь он посвящён периоду 1987 года. Надеюсь, вам понравится.
Жду комментариев и пожеланий.
Hi! I haven't posted anything here for a long time. A little over 2 years if I'm not mistaken.
But you understand what's happening in the world and Russia today.
But I'm back and with you again.
Now, I present to your attention a collection that I have compiled. I titled it, for obvious reasons, volume 5.
I made it for a long time, it has 40 compositions and songs. All of it is dedicated to the period of 1987.
I hope you will enjoy. Wait your comments and suggestions.
SANTA BARBARA - Volume 5 (OST, 1987)

Жанр: Rock, Pop, Jazz
Год записи: 1987
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: lossy
Битрейт аудио: 192-320kb
Продолжительность: 1 ч 51 мин.
01 Dan Hill & Vonda Shepard - Can't We Try
02 Dominic Messinger - Mountain Man
03 Liz Lachman - Love Me Again
04 Joe Harnell - Wavecrest
05 Dominic Messinger & Rick Rhodes - The Utah Suite
06 Grant Saidiner & Ron Boustead - Only A Moment
07 Michael Licari - Alone
08 Dwight Mikkelsen - Dream Images
09 Erik Markman - Stripper Signature
10 Grant Saidiner & Ron Boustead - Slow Dance
11 Ole Georg - The Head Clown
12 Ritchie Valens - La Bamba'87 (Una Vez Mas)
13 Gregg Karukas - Magic Cat
14 Neil Amsterdam - Big Band Highlight No 5
15 Robert Howes & Rod Argent - Veil Of Secrecy
16 The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe
17 Joe Harnell - Dreams of Santa Barbara
18 Matt Ender - Tasty Cake
19 Liz Lachman - The Eyes of Love
20 Scot Scheer - Night Heat
21 Toto - Till the End
22 Dominic Messinger - Remember When
23 Downes & Price - My Imagination
24 Dominic Messinger - Fresco Wizard
25 Linda Ronstadt - I've Got A Crush On You
26 Michael Licari - Industry 2
27 Jeff Bud Snyder - Santa Barbara (TV Cue #13)
28 Johnny Mathis & Jane Oliver - The Last Time I Felt Like This
29 Barry Devorzon & Richard P. Hazard - Cliffhanger
30 Chris Farren - All Alone
31 Rick Rhodes & Marc Greene - Vivien's Eyes
32 Jan & Dean - Be True To Your School
33 Michael Licari - Industry 3
34 Bobby Nocco & Questar Welsh - Ain't Love Grand
35 Rick Rhodes & Dominic Messinger - Ocean Mist
36 The Sapphires - Who Do You Love
37 Michael Licari - Looking For Time 2
38 Walker Igleheart - I'll Be There (Shelter From The Storm)
39 Wolfgang Städele - Feedback
40 Dominic Messinger - Happy Ending
Чуть позже распишу где и когда играла та или иная мелодия или песня.
Огромное спасибо CapRidge и crazydiamond за помощь в работе над сборником!
A little later I will write here where and when each melody or song was played in the show.
SPECIAL AND HUGE THANKS to CapRidge and crazydiamond for helping me in my work with this compilation!
Давно я здесь ничего не выкладывал. Чуть больше 2х лет, если не ошибаюсь.
Но сами понимаете, что происходит в мире. Но я вернулся и снова с вами.
Представляю вашему вниманию сборник, который я составил. Озаглавил его, по понятным причинам, часть 5.
Составлял я его долго, в нём 40 композиций. Весь он посвящён периоду 1987 года. Надеюсь, вам понравится.
Жду комментариев и пожеланий.
Hi! I haven't posted anything here for a long time. A little over 2 years if I'm not mistaken.
But you understand what's happening in the world and Russia today.
But I'm back and with you again.
Now, I present to your attention a collection that I have compiled. I titled it, for obvious reasons, volume 5.
I made it for a long time, it has 40 compositions and songs. All of it is dedicated to the period of 1987.
I hope you will enjoy. Wait your comments and suggestions.
SANTA BARBARA - Volume 5 (OST, 1987)

Жанр: Rock, Pop, Jazz
Год записи: 1987
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: lossy
Битрейт аудио: 192-320kb
Продолжительность: 1 ч 51 мин.
01 Dan Hill & Vonda Shepard - Can't We Try
02 Dominic Messinger - Mountain Man
03 Liz Lachman - Love Me Again
04 Joe Harnell - Wavecrest
05 Dominic Messinger & Rick Rhodes - The Utah Suite
06 Grant Saidiner & Ron Boustead - Only A Moment
07 Michael Licari - Alone
08 Dwight Mikkelsen - Dream Images
09 Erik Markman - Stripper Signature
10 Grant Saidiner & Ron Boustead - Slow Dance
11 Ole Georg - The Head Clown
12 Ritchie Valens - La Bamba'87 (Una Vez Mas)
13 Gregg Karukas - Magic Cat
14 Neil Amsterdam - Big Band Highlight No 5
15 Robert Howes & Rod Argent - Veil Of Secrecy
16 The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe
17 Joe Harnell - Dreams of Santa Barbara
18 Matt Ender - Tasty Cake
19 Liz Lachman - The Eyes of Love
20 Scot Scheer - Night Heat
21 Toto - Till the End
22 Dominic Messinger - Remember When
23 Downes & Price - My Imagination
24 Dominic Messinger - Fresco Wizard
25 Linda Ronstadt - I've Got A Crush On You
26 Michael Licari - Industry 2
27 Jeff Bud Snyder - Santa Barbara (TV Cue #13)
28 Johnny Mathis & Jane Oliver - The Last Time I Felt Like This
29 Barry Devorzon & Richard P. Hazard - Cliffhanger
30 Chris Farren - All Alone
31 Rick Rhodes & Marc Greene - Vivien's Eyes
32 Jan & Dean - Be True To Your School
33 Michael Licari - Industry 3
34 Bobby Nocco & Questar Welsh - Ain't Love Grand
35 Rick Rhodes & Dominic Messinger - Ocean Mist
36 The Sapphires - Who Do You Love
37 Michael Licari - Looking For Time 2
38 Walker Igleheart - I'll Be There (Shelter From The Storm)
39 Wolfgang Städele - Feedback
40 Dominic Messinger - Happy Ending
Чуть позже распишу где и когда играла та или иная мелодия или песня.
Огромное спасибо CapRidge и crazydiamond за помощь в работе над сборником!
A little later I will write here where and when each melody or song was played in the show.
SPECIAL AND HUGE THANKS to CapRidge and crazydiamond for helping me in my work with this compilation!

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