The Blue Ribbon
Transcribed by: Penelope
The Lockridge Estate. Julia sits in the livingroom, waiting for Lionel. She absently toys with an ornament on the Christmas tree and slips into a daydream about Mason . . .
Mason walks into the livingroom.
Mason: I have a confession to make. Are you hearing confessions this afternoon?
Julia: (smiles, shrugs) What is it?
Mason walks over and kneels down on the floor next to her chair, leaning on the arm.
Mason: Well, I hope you’re not annoyed with me. (confessing) You know how studiously I’ve avoided emotional involvement since Mary . . . but lately, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not as immune as I thought.
Julia looks away from his intent gaze.
Julia: (sadly) You’re talking about Victoria.
Mason: (softly) I’m talking about you.
Julia looks at him in surprise and briefly chuckles ironically.
Julia: I’m not annoyed. (hesitant) In fact, as long as we’re making confessions, I have one of my own. (plunges in) Mason, I know that we agreed to keep this relationship platonic . . . and I know that you said that you would leave my life when the baby was born. But I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed if you’re starting to feel things that you didn’t agree to . . . (Mason stares at her as she confesses) because I think I do sometimes, too. (pauses) I think I may have been wrong in putting too much emphasis on keeping the relationship clinical and free of emotion. (pauses) What I’m saying is . . . maybe we can find some middle ground. I mean, having a child and a career is one thing – it’s a good thing. (tears threaten) But it’s only second prize. Having someone who loves you and who cares about you – that’s the blue ribbon. (Mason hasn’t taken his eyes off her since she began) Maybe we could start thinking of something . . . a little deeper. I mean, I’d considerate if it’s alright with you. (hopeful) What do you think?
Mason: (affected) I think it’s a beautiful idea.
Julia gently strokes his cheek with her hand as Mason leans in to kiss her deeply . . .
Julia breaks out of her daydream when she hears her name.
Jane: Julia? (Julia stares at her, stunned) I didn’t know you were here. Lionel still isn’t back.
A potentially emerging emotional breakdown urges Julia hastily out of the chair.
Julia: I’m sorry . . . I can’t wait for him.
Julia practically sprints out of the house. Leaning on the brick outside, she mulls over what her daydream has revealed about her growing feelings for Mason.
«Золотая медаль» 1986 - № 24.
Поместье Локриджей. Джулия сидит в гостиной в ожидании Лайонела. Она автоматиче-ски теребит в руках рождественскую игрушку и мечтает о Мейсоне…
Mейсон заходит в комнату.
Mейсон: Я хочу исповедаться. Ты принимаешь исповеди после обеда?
Джулия: (улыбаясь, пожимая плечами) Смотря какие.
Mейсон подходит ближе и становится перед ней на колени, наклоняясь к ее руке.
Mейсон: Хорошо, я надеюсь, что не разозлю тебя. (признаваясь) Ты знаешь, как старательно я избегал эмоциональной близости с кем-то после Мэри… но сейчас, я понял что мои чувст-ва уже не контролируются мною.
Джулия пораженно смотрит на него.
Джулия: (с горечью) Ты говоришь о Виктории.
Mейсон: (нежно) Я говорю о тебе.
Джулия удивленно смотрит на него, а потом, иронично замечает.
Джулия: Я не разозлилась. (колеблясь) Фактически, раз сегодня день исповедей, я бы тоже хотела… (откровенно) Mейсон, я знаю, что мы договорились исключить из наших отноше-ний чувства. . . и я помню, что ты обещал исчезнуть из моей жизни как только родится ребе-нок. Но я не хочу, чтобы ты чувствовал себя неудобно или смущенно, если чувствуешь что-то большее, чем нами было условлено. . . (Mейсон светится от слов ее исповеди) потому, что я тоже… Я чувствую к тебе… (пауза) Я даже думаю, что была очень неправа, когда на-стаивала на строгих, лишенных чувств, отношений. (пауза) Что я хочу сказать. . . может быть попробуем нечто среднее. Понимаешь, иметь ребенка и карьеру с одной стороны - замеча-тельно. (слезы на глазах) Но это тоже вторично, по сравнению с тем, что можно иметь чело-века, который любит и заботится о тебе. Это же, как получить золотую медаль. (Mейсон бо-ится смотреть ей в глаза от нахлынувших чувств) Может быть мы сможем построить бо-лее. . . глубокие взаимоотношения. Только если ты сам хочешь того же. (с надеждой) Поче-му ты молчишь?
Mейсон: (с чувством) По-моему, это прекрасная идея!
Джулия протягивает руку, чтобы коснуться его щеки, в то время как Мейсон страстно це-лует ее в губы. . .
Джулия очнулась от своих мечтаний, когда услышала, что ее позвали.
Джейн: Джулия? (Джулия немного пораженная) Я не знала, что ты здесь. Лайонел еще не вернулся?
Внезапная слабость чувств из-за глупой мечты вынуждает Джулию быстрее встать с кресла.
Джулия: Извини. . . но я, пожалуй, уже не буду его ждать.
Джулия практически выбегает из особняка. По дороге, она с ужасом понимает, что ее чув-ства к Мейсону растут и переходят в любовь.
Мейсон и Джулия: переводы, траскрипты, впечатления, клипы, сюжетные линии.
Marinaz, Понедельник, 10 мая 2010, 14:18:42
Мейсон-Джулия Mason Capwell Julia Wainwright
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Marinaz (Пятница, 25 декабря 2009, 15:34:51) писал:
Внезапная слабость чувств из-за глупой мечты вынуждает Джулию быстрее встать с кресла.
Спасибо Clarisse McClellan! У нас есть перевод письма!!! Сегодня отправляю!
Dear Nancy,
Thanks to your outstanding talent and amazing acting skills, you've got fans all over the world. We are your fans from Russia and Ukraine. We admire you and the characters you portrayed so masterfully on screen and on stage. The characters we love most are Julia (SB) and Alexis (GH). We are sure you put your heart and soul into these roles. That is why they are so strong, independent, self-sufficient and goal-oriented, yet capable of loving sincerely and deeply. We would love to find out more about you, about your perception of the world and your plans for the future. We would be grateful if you could find some time in your very busy schedule to answer some of our questions.
1. Which of the characters you played is your personal favorite?
2. Who is your favorite day-time TV partner and why?
3. Talking about SB, how did you feel about Lane Davies leaving the show? Did you feel comfortable playing Julia alongside other actors portraying Mason?
4. What is your favorite storyline in SB? And which period of SB did you like best?
5. Which traits of Julia's personality do you share with her? And how is she different from you? Which of her personal traits (if any) were your own creative ideas as opposed to the script?
6. In your opinion, would Julia and Mason have a future together without Samantha?
7. As for the extremely popular TV show General Hospital, where you play Alexis, do you think Rick and Alexis would have stayed together, had Rick not cheated on her with Sam? And if they stayed together, in which direction do you think their storyline would develop?
8. Do you think Alexis would ever be able to return Cameron's feelings, had Lane's character not died in the accident? Could her feelings evolve into love over time? Do you think there was a chance of them having a successful love story?
9. What role does the theater play in your life?
10. Do you plan to come back to acting on stage later in your life? If so, which part/parts would you like to play?
11. Do you have a "dream part" you always wanted to play either on stage or on TV, or even on the big screen?
12. Have you ever watched any Russian films? If so, which ones? Did you enjoy them? Are you familiar with the work of any Russian film director/directors?
13. Are you familiar with the Russian theater and the Stanislavski's system of acting. And if so, what do you think about them?
14. Is there a character in the classical Russian literature you would like to play? If so, which one/ones and why?
15. We know that you have a beautiful daughter. What kind of education did you choose for her? Has she already decided on her future profession?
16. Would you like Kathy to follow in your footsteps and become an actress or you'd rather she chose a different career path?
17. Could you tell us about your involvement in the political activities? Do you see a future for yourself in the politics?
18. Have you been keeping in touch with Lane Davies since he left GH? Do you have any future plans to work together with him in the theater?
We would like to thank you in advance for answering our questions. We hope they haven't taken up too much of your time. As we are sure you know, it is a dream of every fan of yours to have your signed photograph. We would really appreciate it if you could send us, your loving fans in Russia and Ukraine, your signed photos. For many of us to receive one would be a dream come true.
We hope to enjoy watching you play on stage and on TV for many more years to come.
With very best wishes and love.
Dear Nancy,
Thanks to your outstanding talent and amazing acting skills, you've got fans all over the world. We are your fans from Russia and Ukraine. We admire you and the characters you portrayed so masterfully on screen and on stage. The characters we love most are Julia (SB) and Alexis (GH). We are sure you put your heart and soul into these roles. That is why they are so strong, independent, self-sufficient and goal-oriented, yet capable of loving sincerely and deeply. We would love to find out more about you, about your perception of the world and your plans for the future. We would be grateful if you could find some time in your very busy schedule to answer some of our questions.
1. Which of the characters you played is your personal favorite?
2. Who is your favorite day-time TV partner and why?
3. Talking about SB, how did you feel about Lane Davies leaving the show? Did you feel comfortable playing Julia alongside other actors portraying Mason?
4. What is your favorite storyline in SB? And which period of SB did you like best?
5. Which traits of Julia's personality do you share with her? And how is she different from you? Which of her personal traits (if any) were your own creative ideas as opposed to the script?
6. In your opinion, would Julia and Mason have a future together without Samantha?
7. As for the extremely popular TV show General Hospital, where you play Alexis, do you think Rick and Alexis would have stayed together, had Rick not cheated on her with Sam? And if they stayed together, in which direction do you think their storyline would develop?
8. Do you think Alexis would ever be able to return Cameron's feelings, had Lane's character not died in the accident? Could her feelings evolve into love over time? Do you think there was a chance of them having a successful love story?
9. What role does the theater play in your life?
10. Do you plan to come back to acting on stage later in your life? If so, which part/parts would you like to play?
11. Do you have a "dream part" you always wanted to play either on stage or on TV, or even on the big screen?
12. Have you ever watched any Russian films? If so, which ones? Did you enjoy them? Are you familiar with the work of any Russian film director/directors?
13. Are you familiar with the Russian theater and the Stanislavski's system of acting. And if so, what do you think about them?
14. Is there a character in the classical Russian literature you would like to play? If so, which one/ones and why?
15. We know that you have a beautiful daughter. What kind of education did you choose for her? Has she already decided on her future profession?
16. Would you like Kathy to follow in your footsteps and become an actress or you'd rather she chose a different career path?
17. Could you tell us about your involvement in the political activities? Do you see a future for yourself in the politics?
18. Have you been keeping in touch with Lane Davies since he left GH? Do you have any future plans to work together with him in the theater?
We would like to thank you in advance for answering our questions. We hope they haven't taken up too much of your time. As we are sure you know, it is a dream of every fan of yours to have your signed photograph. We would really appreciate it if you could send us, your loving fans in Russia and Ukraine, your signed photos. For many of us to receive one would be a dream come true.
We hope to enjoy watching you play on stage and on TV for many more years to come.
With very best wishes and love.
Sally (Пятница, 25 декабря 2009, 14:47:16) писал:
Clarisse McClellan, большое спасибо!
Мне сегодня magnolij подкинула классную песню. И эта песня меня так вдохновила, что я за пару часов сделала клип.
Конечно же, Мейс и Джулия, и конечно же, Камерон и Алексис. И, конечно же, Happy end!
Не уходи...
Конечно же, Мейс и Джулия, и конечно же, Камерон и Алексис. И, конечно же, Happy end!
Не уходи...
Marinaz (Пятница, 25 декабря 2009, 19:14:12) писал:
Мне сегодня magnolij подкинула классную песню. И эта песня меня так вдохновила, что я за пару часов сделала клип.
Конечно же, Мейс и Джулия, и конечно же, Камерон и Алексис. И, конечно же, Happy end!
Конечно же, Мейс и Джулия, и конечно же, Камерон и Алексис. И, конечно же, Happy end!
Какая ты зая молодец!!!!! А песня действительно отличная!!!!!!!
Сообщение отредактировал magnolij: Вторник, 25 мая 2010, 20:41:35
Девочки, есть небольшой прогресс в нашем письме. Я получила ответ от журнала кампании ABC (которая выпускает сериал ГГ)!!! Они благодарят за письмо и просят немного подождать, пока его обработают, прочитают, и отдадут Нэнси (ну, адресату).
В меня это вселяет большую надежду!
Девочки, есть небольшой прогресс в нашем письме. Я получила ответ от журнала кампании ABC (которая выпускает сериал ГГ)!!! Они благодарят за письмо и просят немного подождать, пока его обработают, прочитают, и отдадут Нэнси (ну, адресату).
В меня это вселяет большую надежду!
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