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Мейсон и Джулия: переводы, траскрипты, впечатления, клипы, сюжетные линии.

Мейсон-Джулия Mason Capwell Julia Wainwright

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Просмотр сообщения Sally (Суббота, 19 декабря 2009, 23:06:56) писал:

Что за кнопки, и где находятся?:D
Это конфиденциальная информация. :warning: :laugh:

Я помню, в СБ они тоже говорили про кнопки. Джу говорила, что у него есть кнопка-переключатель с хорошего Мейсона на плохого Мейсона или что-то в этом роде.
А он, когда в больнице лежал после истории с Санни, тоже сказал ей что-то вроде: "Let me show you which button to push".

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  • Регистрация: 16 мая 2010, 09:48
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Просмотр сообщения Цитата

а вот фактор пониженного сахара в крови - это что, такое устойчивое выражение в английском (типа, куча работы - поесть не успевали), вряд ли ж он о реальных результатах анализов крови того времени говорит?

Ну,конечно он не имеет в виду анализы крови :D ,в приниципе можно было бы написать просто уровень сахара в крови,но я решила немного расширить это понятие :D

  • Постоянный участник
  • PipPipPipPip
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  • Регистрация: 16 мая 2010, 09:48
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Просмотр сообщения Цитата

Что за кнопки, и где находятся?
Народ,хватит прикалываться :laugh: Я надеюсь,что все примерно поняли,что Лэйн имеет в виду слабые места в психологической "обороне" Нэнси... Я кстати вспомнила,что Мейс говорил Джу,что ее Ахиллесова пята находится в районе шеи,но там речь шла немного о другом... :lol:

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  • PipPipPipPip
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  • Регистрация: 22 Мар 2010, 13:47
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  • Откуда: Где - то тут...
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Centurion00077 спасибо за перевод :D ;)

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Centurion00077, спасибо огромное за этот перевод!
Какой же Лейн зараза! :laugh: Нажать нужную кнопку, завести женщину, и наблюдать за ее реакцией, чтобы избавиться от скуки!


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  • Регистрация: 12 Апр 2010, 14:32
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Народ, нашла огромную статью о Лейне и Нэнси. Будет время, переведите, плиз!!! -)

s o a p o p e r a p e o p l e
b a c k s t a g e w i t h s a n t a b a r b a r a 's h o t t e s t t w o s o m e !
august 1988


Looking handsome and casual during a lunchtime break on the set of Santa Barbara, Lane Davies just grinned at me when I asked, "How do you see Mason? I talked to Nancy Lee Grahn yesterday and she told me what he was like."

"God help me, I'm sure she just said it all," he countered.

"It was sort of involved, but I specifically wanted to hear it from you."

"Right. Nancy said you asked one question and she talked for 20 minutes," he said smiling.

"She also told me you were wonderful friends and work well together and how you both know how to 'press your buttons' to get a rise out of each other. I thought to myself I like this relationship."

"Yes. It's combative in a fun sort of way. We can literally be ready to kill each other, but it rarely lasts more than a day," he said, in that wonderful slow way of talking Lane has.

"But you work so close together and for so long each day," I began.

"And the tension of carrying a performance from day to day wears you down so much that sometime I pick fights just because I'm bored. I'm so tired of learning lines, probably I shouldn't say that but I'll start a fight to have something different to do and because I do know how. She's like my little brother in way, lots of ways. My little brother was easy to tease. You know, he was born sort of crabby, we called him Prickly Pear when he was little because he was so easy to tease, so much fun to tease and of course, this poor kid has three older brothers, all of whom were sadistic older brothers. And Nancy is a little like that, sometimes I'll press her buttons just for the fun of it, just cause I'm bored," Lane explained.

"I think she knows it," I put in.

"She does the same thing to me, or she tries to. She's not as good at it."

"Mason, no Lane, I don't know if she made the distinction and I had said Mason is unflappable no matter what situation. I want to know how you see him," I ended.

"Is he evil? No, he's not evil. He's a little too nice for my taste lately. He does have a defensive front. It's hard to see what he's really like. I try to sneak that in and not let the other characters know what he's really like, but let the audience know that he's basically got a good heart. I have fun with it, but he's kind of a work in progress and Mason as a human being is a work in progress. He's not as far along developed mentally, as a therapist would say, as I am. He has deep problems relating to his mother and how that affects his relations with women, the relationship with his father and how he's still carrying an awful lot of anger from his childhood, even though he's released a lot of the need to please from his childhood. He's very complex. I'm always finding new things about him, and making up things about him."

"That's what I said to you in our earlier interview about knowing you love to do Shakespeare whenever you can, but I happen to think you are superb in this modern day role. Mason is a modern character with just as many, if not twice, the shadings you can find in Shakespeare in it's own way. And I think you tackle it that way, maybe I'm putting more into you than there is."

"Doing the classics tends to make contemporary work easier," Lane said slowly. "If you don't let it make you too stagey, which I tend to border on lots of times. I mean, you learn how to mine material and get the most out of the word and that sort of thing in terms of shadings, to get a certain point across. It's not that Mason is written any more or less deeply than Hamlet or Macbeth, it's what you as an actor look for. I mean, you could be a very superficial Macbeth you could play a warrior king who falls prey to his own ambition. That would be a very thin bit, there's a lot more there."

The conversation went off onto a very interesting talk about Macbeth, which Lane had played not too many months ago in California at the same time he was doing Santa Barbara, no small feat! And for which, by the way, he got excellent reviews.

"While waiting for you I was watching the screen and saw you and Nancy and Kristen rehearsing with pages of the script in hands, that's the first time I've seen that, and I kept hearing a voice on the loudspeaker interrupting you all, does that interrupt your thinking?"

"I have learned not to perform during camera block. If I were trying to give a performance and they kept stopping to try to give us moves, that would drive me insane, which is why I don't really start trying then."

"Not until dress rehearsal?"

"I pretty much use dress rehearsal to give some idea of what my performance will be and to find out if I've learned the lines. I find where I'm light on the lines and where I'm strong on the lines and what I need to do. But I don't give a performance at dress rehearsal. What you saw was camera block. Even before we actually go to shooting there are three rehearsals."

"I know you have a small apartment as well as your cabin in the woods, but can you take care of yourself? Do you have anybody come in? Do you cook?"

"I don't mind cooking, but I don't like to cook just for myself. When I'm at the cabin I'm more inclined to cook, when I'm down here there's simply no time, especially after 12 hours here at the studio."

So Lane generally goes out to eat driving his BMW, which no longer is beat up, he just had it all fixed up. It's black and he no longer has his Toyota land cruiser.

"Do you still go to the country and your cabin on the weekends?"

"Yes, just about every weekend. I try to get completely away from the show. I like to read and watch TV."

"What do you watch?"

"It depends on my mood. I'm very fond of Warner Brothers cartoons, Sylvester and Daffy Duck especially. I don't like to put a great deal of mental images when I'm there. I also have a nasty habit of tuning into live wrestling, which can be extremely irritating to whoever I'm with at the time. I find it immensely entertaining, I find it primitive. I don't mean that I really believe that what's going on is going on, but it's theater at it's most primitive level, you know. It's just one step removed from the campfire. I do watch heavier things, but I'm giving, I'm saying this because what I really try to do is tune my brain out."

"You're not one of those men who have football on the weekend?"

"No, I watch very little football. I'd like to say I watch nothing but PBS but it's not true. I was raised on TV, all things, even if it is terrible I can watch it, all flavors. I can watch it for technical reasons."

Actually, Lane keeps very busy. He hasn't had much time lately to write but is in the middle of some rewrites now and developing another script with two friends, basically from an idea of his so he is acting more as editor. He's also just beginning a third project.

"I know you go back to Georgia every summer to do Shakespeare, one of my favorites is 12th Night," I mentioned.

"I did that in Atlanta, in fact I have a picture of both my father and me as Orsino 40 years apart. It's in a double frame at home. My father did it at William Jewel College and I did it at the Alliance Theater in 1983, 40 years later. So I have a picture of both of us in the same pose in full Shakespearean outfit," he said looking very pleased.

"I'd love to see that," I told him.

"He was in radio for years and years. He was never a professional actor. He was a manager director, an amateur director and an amateur actor and quite a good one. He just opted for a small town and raising a family. He made a clear choice."

"Is he still alive?"

"No. He got to see most of my high school things. Well, he did see my first dinner theater show because I started working professionally right out of high school, so he saw some of my stuff, before college."

"How does your mother feel about your acting?"

"Well, now that I'm eating regularly, she's real happy about it. And I bought her a car at Christmas which she's extra happy about."

"I would be too."

"She never tried to discourage me. I mean, for a while she had said, 'I think you should do it as a hobby and have something to fall back on.' By the time I graduated from college she said, 'go after it and then we'll know. You'll always wonder,' she thinks my father always wondered if he should have pursued it professionally."

"You have brothers, don't you?"

"Three. I just had my newest nephew which made number six."

"Does it make you want to get married?" I wondered.

"I'm at an age where it is starting to become more attractive to me. It's not like right around the corner, but I've always seen myself with a wife and kids, that whole number, but that's always been at odds with the other aspect of my life."

"I guess in this business you have to be single minded about it to get anywhere."

"Yes, because kids come first, I honestly believe that and up until recently I've been in the position where the career had to come first. It was a means to support myself without dropping out of this business and going into something else, to take care of them."

"What is the best time of your life? Is it now or. . ."

"Oh, yes. . .and the future. I've always had some wonderful times I was working for $125 a week and I really couldn't have been happier. I knew I wasn't always going to work for that. But I had my days free to fish or swim or walk through the mountains and I was doing a dinner show at night. People loved the show. They were an uncritical and receptive audience and I really couldn't have been happier doing it. Now I'm just doing just about everything I want to do in the business. I just sort of wish it didn't have to be all at one time, which is what it feels like. I won't be here forever but I am very happy with where I am right at this point."

"You have had more than some people, a taste of doing films and theater and movies and this, which is interesting. I don't know how you squeezed it in, but you did."

"It was silly to try to do. I mean, going off for the summer is one thing because that only one project at a time, but doing Hamlet and Macbeth while I was doing the soap is really a silly idea. But you have to do it because you don't learn those parts by talking about them. You have to do them and you have to do them several times. So I'm just forced into a situation where I had to burn the candles at both ends."

So I left Lane, very calm and peaceful on the surface but probably weighing a whole raft of future projects on his head. He was probably or is probably gathering his strength, deciding on his next move. His love of acting and in particular Shakespeare is a passion. This summer he'll be directing A Midsummer Night's Dream in Georgia while Mason and Julia will probably hit another snag in their relationship just to keep me on edge about Santa Barbara's hottest couple. . .but I love it.

Nancy Grahn

"Lane and I have never thought about marrying each other. I'm just saying we're amused by everyone thinking we're in love and the rumors are circulating everywhere."

"Right, I have heard them a lot," I told her.

"Yes, We just. . .we just sort of laugh."

"I don't think it would be in his plans whatsoever," I speculated.

"We just talk about that. It's probably as much in his plans with someone as it is with me. We talk about whoever we're seeing at the time, talking about marriage and basically the conversations are the same because we're both terrified. You know, but it's something we see in our future with other people."

"It's fun to speculate," I agreed, "but you both have lots of time."

"The two of us are very much alike because there are two very extreme sides of us. There's the very domesticated side that goes home for Christmas and sees of our sisters and brothers and our families and their husbands and children and we feel left out and there's the other side that doesn't want to go home to the same person every night and they are extreme sides, you know. Very extreme. There's the domesticated side and the ambitious, so that's I think a common denominator of people. That's where we're both very similar and we both get along, but you know, he's much more cerebral than I am. He has a clean, sharp mind and he can argue with anybody or debate with anybody and I am a good debater too, but he'll say something to me, he'll know how to push the button and I will like go, 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN' and I'll get emotional and I lose and then I hate to lose, but I scream because I'm losing and he can maintain his emotions very well."

"Well, your part on the show has come a long way since we talked last and since you started on the show," I suggested.

"It has. It has. It has. I'm very pleased with it for two reasons. I like the way the relationship is, I know it would work when they started thinking about it. Lane and I are very compatible and our characters are very much alike, even though they seem very different. We're very equal working. We can fight on an even basis."

"Well, then they're changing Mason?"

"No, he's going to be a son of a bitch."

"He was always a son of a bitch," I agreed.

"He's going to be again, but he's not one or the other. He's very complex and he plays it that way. He was never shown love by his father, had tremendous expectations of him, yet he loves his father and they're very much the same, but he's also a very loving, warm person who's afraid of commitment and afraid to be loved and I think Julia is the same way."

"You do?"

"Except Julia as a woman, is nurturing. Instead of running away from love, she will run to it head on without any objectivity and then if there's any sense of rejection she'll back off. I think she's as afraid. I think she has never had a successful relationship in her life either and neither had Mason. Therefore, they're both fearful of it and to me it has such a contemporary relationship for a soap opera. You know, soaps tend to have stereotype relationships, Romeo and Juliet, Cruz and Eden, they're in love there's no question about that. It's solidified. The seal is on it. You know exactly what it is, or it's kind of comedic or it's. . .I don't know. But this is a very complex relationship and I like that because it doesn't fit into any of the categories and Lane and I contribute to that in the sense that we make sure it doesn't. We throw curves all the time so you never know if they are going to be angry at each other. You never know if they're going to be laughing with each other. You don't know if we're going to rip off our clothes and make love in the office. I really like it. It's fun. It's fun and a lot of work. It doesn't just happen. It's a lot of work and we both like it and we both value it."

"When do you do the work?"

"I do a lot of it in my head. I work double duty on this. I really do. I've always had the tendency to work a little harder, probably than I had to but I do it just so I'm sure that I've done it as much as I can and sometimes I do more than is necessary. We also discuss our personal relationships all the time. We both have similar relationship problems in our own lives in terms of, well the situations are different in the fantasy life as they are in reality. Not Lane and I together, but with our separate situations. It's kind of confusing, but yet it's a relationship that everybody can identify with because nobody just falls together in love and has no problems but, I mean, just the little intimate emotional problems.

"You and Mason have got major, major problems," I inserted.

"No, but of course we have major problems, but you now what I'm saying. It's not like we're in a flood or there's an earthquake or somebody died. You know how they give you catastrophes, but here there are just little emotional things and little eighties problems. Things get to people and they are afraid of the commitment. People are in love, they don't have to get married. They can live together or they want to get married and they shouldn't live together. It's just those kinds of things and it's complex. I'll simplify this because I'm rambling on. Those two characters Mason and Julia, are very complex and Lane and I contribute to that. When do we work on that? All day long we talk about it."

"I just wondered because it's one thing to learn your lines and walk on the set and say them, but you have emphasized your work on them."

"A lot of people do that and some people can do it well. It means a lot to me and a lot of people work real hard. I think everybody in daytime works very hard."

"Oh, I do too."

"I can only speak for myself, I take it very seriously."

"I always thought Lane might be able to do it lightly," I suggested.

"He can sometimes. I contemplate it and think about it more than he does. He also is much more situated in his character. He's been doing it longer and his character was already complex when it was designed. It was kind of an interesting black sheep character."

"One day he had one mother and the next another and he just sort of takes it all in stride."

"He does. And I am a fighter, which has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage was I got a part that I don't think was intended to be anything that great and I know the intention was not for me to go with Mason really, or to stay there. Just like, what do you call it, a thing along the road. It was supposed to happen, but it wasn't supposed to be this developed and this strong a story and this popular. I mean, they like that it's popular of course, but I think I was to be just another woman in Mason's life, just an experience and then move on and I think now it's become important. A very important love story, so you see these two people care tremendously about each other so whatever happens will not be as important as what we have. Do you know what I mean. Whatever impediments you'll see, we'll try to fight it out continuously and we can do that for some time."

"I think they'll break us up. Really. Oh, sure, are they going to have us get married and live happily ever after? They'll do something but what I'm saying is because of the chemistry there and the love story between Mason and Julia, it will always be the central thing. If another woman comes along in Mason's life, it won't wreck our love story. It won't take away from the love. It'll shake it up. But you'll see where the loyalties are with the two of us and I think that's very important dramatically when you're doing stories, as long as I know how I feel."

"Here are two people. How do I feel about Mason? You'd better have a very strong feeling. Then anything can happen. Some of the problem with Mason and Tori is that it was never really clear that they cared about each other. It was supposed to be an impediment in that love story. It wasn't supposed to be the other way around. My feeling is that you have to be very clear about how you feel about the other person in a relationship and vice versa. It's very clear now how we feel about each other so all of the difficulties that are going to happen just make you more interested because you want them to either work it out or you get to know them better when you know how somebody feels."

"Do you know a lot about Julia's background?"

"They don't bring that up. I made one up for her. She's a bit of a bleeding heart. I made up that she went to Berkeley. I think she's had to really make her own way. I believe that she has been hurt time and time again in relationships because she goes with all the wrong men for whatever reasons. It just hasn't worked out."

"How does this relate to you?"

"Oh, I think there are tremendous similarities, but also many differences. The similarities are that we're both single in 1980, smart, aggressive women who probably have something in their background. I don't know what's in Julia's background. I can make something up but I wish they would do something. In other words they're pretty now and smart now and you think they have the world by the tail, but I think they had difficult childhoods. So that's the similarity, just you know, single and looking for the comfortability factor in her life, her personal life."

"So when I heard the rumors that you and Lane were going together for some reason I said I don't believe it."

"No, it's not true. We have a tremendous affection for each other and I think what happens is we spend a lot of time together. We'll go out for a drink after the show. We'll do stuff. We're very close. We could never get along in a relationship together."

"Why not?"

"Because we're different, you know. We anger each other more than two people. It's a love-hate thing and people look at us like when are you two getting married. You know, because it's that kind of movie type relationship where we, you know, one little thing can infuriate each other off like you wouldn't believe. I'll just say one thing. We know each other so well. We know how to push each other's button. When you're at a studio together for ten hours a day you get a little bored, so all of a sudden he'll just go up to me and go. . .you know, then I'll get enraged and the two of us are like not speaking to each other and then if I'm bored, I may go like that to him one day, it's just very emotional fights and then they're not and it's a very full, wonderful relationship but we are not involved outside of the studio other than just friends."

"Just between the two of us, from something we've talked about in the past and all, do you really know what a good relationship is?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Because it seems to me that what you described about you and Lane sounds like a nice relationship. I like the guy I can fight with."

"See, so do I and that's why we have a great chemistry together and if we didn't have it in our real life, I doubt that would come across."


"Because it's like positive and negative ions and they come together and go psssssss psssss. Well, that's the electricity that you see. It's like this love-hate thing which is either that's fighting or that's passion and it makes it very interesting. It really does and we both adapt our personalities, of course into the part. We take our personal lives and put them in the imaginary circumstances or what we know and so that makes it interesting too. I think good actors do that. I think they draw from what they know and use their fantasy life as well and do I know what a good relationship is? No, I mean, the thing is you fight so much you can't. . ."

"Look, you can go through life a single woman and you come to certain conclusions. I mean, if you fall for the same kind of wrong man time after time after time, you decide, 'Well, I would rather be loved than do the loving.' You come to these conclusions," I said.

"Right, yes and I have," Nancy said laughing.

"So the next time you look for somebody like that and you think, Oh Lord!"

"And then you get bored. Now I'm, being loved and now what? Yes. That's why my tendency is to go where the action is and it's usually pursuing the charming, funny, kind of fun, sexual guy and smart. That's always kind of got me jumping and you can't quite pin him down, so it gives me something to do, you see. It gives me, you know, I'll pin him down. That to me is the definition of someone that really doesn't want a relationship. She thinks she wants a relationship and thinks she wants to get married but maybe she doesn't really. That's me. I think I'm just guessing."

"People have always told me, if I had wanted to get married I would have. I used to resent that because I didn't think I was avoiding it," I told her.

"I just had the same conversation with someone, they said I didn't want to get married and I said yes I do. I want to get married to someone who doesn't want to get married, you know what I mean? The bottom line is I just haven't met the right person and there is somebody charming out there that's fun and smart and delightful, that's creative in his own life and I don't want to be somebody's life. I want to be somebody's partner."

Nancy went on to describe her idea of the right man and ended up observing, "So what am I asking for? I'm asking for a wonder man!"

We both laughed and said that we've known other girls like that who eventually found the right man. Or perhaps they changed some of their requirements, who knows?

"Which of these things would be least important to you, so perhaps you could settle for somebody who may have most of the qualities," I suggested?

"I mean, I'm not the perfect person either. I'm difficult."

"You could be," I mused.

"I am."

Actually though, Nancy is one of the nicest and most fun people you could talk to. Like most actors, her career has been so important to her she probably finds it hard to take her eye off the work. Nancy loves what she is doing and that is one of the greatest gifts, to love your work. That's hard for any man to compete with. Meantime, Nancy is having a great time and there is a man in her life and who knows? That's what makes life interesting, isn't it?

She's devoted, too, to a cause that hits closer to home. Grahn's father is a recovering alcoholic and the performer has frequently gone public with her experiences. "I'm not trying to air my dirty laundry," she insists. "I believe in vocalizing it because you don't really hear about the families of alcoholics. If someone is an alcoholic, everyone in the family has the disease."

Three years ago, she temporarily left behind a healthy TV career in Los Angeles and headed back to Illinois to begin her own recovery therapy. "Nobody would have known there was something wrong with me," she recalls. "I just did not feel good and I decided it was time to take care of myself." Her father, Bob, had entered a care unit two years previously and was well on his way to recovery. Now it was Nancy's turn to get the wounds healed.

The middle of three sisters, Grahn remembers, "I was the protector child. To me, my parents couldn't do anything wrong. I would pour coffee down my father's throat when he mixed something or other and was about to go unconscious. When he was drinking and took the (car) keys, I'd follow him and pull him out of bars. Instead of going out with my friends, I would stay home because I didn't want him to be home alone. My sisters were able to get angry but I couldn't, although I desperately wanted to be a child and not have to parent my own parent. The therapy finally allowed me to get angry, even though it was very painful to get angry at someone you love so much." Through it all, dad and daughter remained the best of friends and, today Bob lectures as an alcoholism counselor. Despite the heartache, Nancy remarks, "I don't mind having gone through any of this. If your life is peachy keen, what do you learn?"

Back in Hollywood and ready to conquer the world, Grahn fell madly for actor Sam Behrens -- a.k.a. GENERAL HOSPITAL's Jake Meyer -- so madly, in fact, that she let the licensed pilot take her above the clouds on their very first date without asking how long he had been flying. She later discovered, to her horror, it had been a mere two weeks. On, subsequent dates, Behrens even convinced her to get in the driver's seat but Grahn chokes, "Nothing makes me hyperventilate more than something technical. I was always worried that, if Sam ate some bad fish before flying, I'd go down with the pilot." The daredevil actor couldn't however con her into skydiving. "I thought about it, I really did," she claims. "But then I decided, that much of a nut I wasn't." A couple of GH co-stars Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie) and Sherilyn Wolter (ex-Celia) did take Behrens up on the offer, causing Grahn to grumble, "Well, what can I say? They are just pretty, thin girls who look great in jumpsuits as they leap out of planes. They weren't afraid! They were confident they would live! I'd give anything to have a bio that said I did that kind of thing."

Though they were lovebirds for the better part of two years, Nancy recently bid Behrens a permanent adieu - and she's pretty blunt about why. "When you want something to work out, there's a tremendous amount of denial," she says. "We both had the same life-style, we both made a lot of money, we had a tremen dous amount of fun together, he was good looking and available -- but I manufactured some qualities that weren't really there and denied some that were. I knew from the beginning that I was dealing with a man who wasn't able to honor our commitment. He has had two marriages and is terrified of having another one. But then there's that nurturing part of a woman. No matter what, she'll try to make it right. The fact is, though, it's like dealing with an alcoholic. You can't change him. You can wish, you can hope -- but I could not make Sam into what I wanted him to be. So what was I doing hanging around with a man who doesn't want to have children, when that's very much a part of my future? All of a sudden, the rose-colored glasses came off. I know what I want and I guess I have to be courageous enough to have to wait for it. It wasn't anything I was unprepared for, but the wind does get knocked out of you. You find yourself picking up Women Who Love Too Much and reading it again."

Just as she has after previous bustups (once, when a boyfriend left her, she organized an all-girl band), Grahn has coddled herself by getting super creative. She and an actress pal are co-writing a two-character play and work out the kinks by performing the latest scene in an acting class. Nancy's also penning a kiddie play using old-time nursery rhymes to illuminate contemporary problems. (Mary Had A Little Lamb, for example, is now about a tyke fighting jealousy when mom and dad bring home a new baby.) The actress intends to corral such soap stars as GH's Jack Wagner (Frisco) and Finola Hughes (Anna) to star, and will donate all proceeds to her incest therapy clinic. Word is, she's a very, very good writer.

Grahn is also rather good at getting hysterical. A frequent guest on episodic cops and robbers shows ("I'm always the killer," she reveals smugly), Nancy tried her hand at jet skiing while in Hawaii to film the nowdefunct actioner, HAWAIIAN HEAT. Her trip to paradise nearly turned to tragedy when the actress looked down into the water to see what was unmistakably a shark fin. "I kept telling myself, 'Don't fall! Don't fall!'" she remembers. "And, sure enough, I did. I started splashing wildly and screamed, 'SHARK! SHARK!'" Within seconds lifeguards on motor boats answered her call. They circled and circled the shark, hoping to scare it away from the frantic and frenzied Grahn. But they needn't have bothered. To the star's extreme embarrassment the "killer" turned out to be just a gray paper bag.

This episode, however, pales in comparison to the notorious cockroach incident. Back in Hawaii to shoot MAGNUM, P.I., Nancy and her baby sister, Wendy, discovered a creepy crawler the size of Minneapolis casually inhabiting their hotel closet. "And it FLEW!!!" she shrieks, still shaking from the utter hell of it all. "I got my high heel and tried to kill it. All it did was laugh at me." After a few blood curdling screams and several minutes of standing atop the toilet, the sibs decided to let their fingers do the walking. Grimaces Grahn, "We took as many phone books as we could find and smashed the thing. Then, to make sure it wouldn't laugh at us again, we both jumped on top. It ruined my evening. I had two martinis and I don't even drink. I couldn't sleep. We kept the lights on all night. That thing looked like a Volkswagen!" The next morning, a bright and chipper Tom Selleck graciously asked the bleary-eyed actress, "So, was your first night in Hawaii a pleasant one?" To this day, he still doesn't know what caused her to collapse into a heap of uncontrollable tears.

By comparison, life on SANTA BARBARA is far more serene. Her second soap (she played the naughty Beverly Wilkes for a year on ONE LIFE TO LIVE) has given her the golden opportunity to play scenes with grande dame Judith Anderson (Minx), although Grahn nearly blew it with her first impression. She recalls, "The first time I met her, she was having her makeup done. I walked into the room whistling and she snapped, 'Who's whistling? WHO'S WHISTLING?' I meekly said, 'Uhhh. . .I am,' and she snapped, 'Don't you know that's bad luck? Go outside, spin around three times and spit!'" Once the spell was broken, the two hit it off like cheese and crackers.

Nancy was also thick-as-theives with former TV sister Louise Sorel (Augusta). "I miss her terribly," she laughs. "We were the show's two Jewish American Princesses. Nothing was ever good enough. We were always griping: 'I don't like my dressing room! I can't believe they expect me to play this scene! Do I have to wear THIS?!'" Sorel even nicknamed her Nancy Groan. Despite the beefing, the actress admits, "I'm delighted to be here." She doesn't even seem to mind that she's practically a dead ringer (or vice versa) for co-star Kristen Meadows (Victoria), noting, "As a matter of fact, we were both on ONE LIFE TO LIVE together. Judith Light (ex-Karen) used to call us the Bobbsey Twins."

Her story line -- with an upcoming bouncing baby and no husband in sight -- jibes with her own biological clock. "I can't see going through life without childbirth," she states. "I'm not ready to do it now, but having a baby is just too neat of a thing to not experience." The plot has triggered a slew of fan letters, many from viewers contemplating their own single parenthood options. Some are as young as 15 and 14 years old. Worries Nancy, "It's hard not to feel responsible about that -- basically, I'm giving the message that it's an okay thing to do."

If she had her druthers, though, she'd prefer to enter motherhood with a ring on her finger. With no immediate prospects in sight, the actress wistfully notes, "Actually, I really thought I'd be married by now. I have a deep fear of never finding the right person." Grahn delightedly offers more of her Mississippi Mud coffee without realizing she's actually got an even bigger problem on her hands. She may ultimately marry the man of her dreams -- but will he ever ask for a second cup?


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А вот прикольная зарисовка. :laugh: День из жизни Джулии Уэйнрайт.

a d a y i n t h e l i f e . . .
winter 1987

Julia Wainwright, SANTA BARBARA

7:00 A.M.
Wake up to find Mason sleeping on my on my doorstep. Drag him inside and give him an aspirin and tomato juice. Give him a lecture on the evils of liquor and pretend to be angry with him. Admit to myself that I'm thrilled he's here.

9:00 A.M.
Get to the office and pretend to work. Wait for Mason to arrive. When he does, throw a few smoldering looks his way. See if he gets the message.

11:30 A.M.
Stop by Johnny's to chat with Lionel and have an early lunch. See Keith Timmons and trip him on his way out.

Remind myself I'm happy.

12:15 P.M.
Run into Mason and Tori, who have arrived for lunch, and try to act friendly.

5:00 P.M.
Have dinner at home, alone. Play with Sami. Remind myself that I'm the very essence of an eighties woman. With a career and a child, what more could I want?

8:00 P.M.
Bored of staring at the four walls, call a sitter and take off for Purgatory. See Jake and Hayley and Ted and Laken having a good time and feel old.

9:00 P.M.
Join the gang and listen to their problems. Pretend I care. Take a walk on the beach and wonder if stealing Mason away from Victoria would be a smart thing to do. Decide against it for now.

10:00 P.M.
Return home and remind myself that I'm happy.

Watch the TONIGHT SHOW and do my nails. Take an extra sleeping pill and go to bed.


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Блин, народ, к вам в тему со словарем ходить надо или с переводчиком своим личным... Пожалейте "малоучек" :laugh:


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Просмотр сообщения Мэйси (Воскресенье, 20 декабря 2009, 14:46:06) писал:

Блин, народ, к вам в тему со словарем ходить надо или с переводчиком своим личным... Пожалейте "малоучек" :laugh:
Зато, знаешь, как я в англ. в последнее время преуспела! :D Только вот большие статьи все еще пугают. Надеюсь на наших знатоков англ.

Clarisse McClellan
Clarisse McClellan
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Centurion00077, прочитала сейчас про твою встречу с Лейном. Здорово! Поздравляю и спасибо за фотки.

Марина, спасибо за интервью. Такая зарисовка прикольная! :laugh: Там других, случаем, не было?

Темы с аналогичным тегами Мейсон-Джулия, Mason Capwell, Julia Wainwright

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