Week 54

Courtroom scenes were a bear--the only time I used cues cards (other than phone calls). I knew the lines, I just needed help keeping them in order...I was so tired, my Southern creeps in here and there....We were shooting the equivalent of a 'Law and Order' episode every day. They take about ten days per episode.
Always thought Tricia Cast was a talented young actress, and was glad to see her go on to other things...

I don't even recognize the brunette--is it another Santana? There was sort of a revolving door for that character for a while. Kind of like Kelly later on...

Okay, I know it's Santana, and I do remember the actress. I think they wanted someone more genuinely Hispanic. Margaret Michaels was from Virginia.

Soaps and Shakespeare are about the only places you see soliloquies anymore...
Grace Zabriskie, who played Mrs. Theda Bassett had a nice part in 'Norma Rae'. She was a little over-qualified for this part.
Linda and I didn't have much chemistry, but I loved working with her--totally professional, and she could play about six levels at a time...
Week 55 (вторая половина суда и СиСи, заставший Мейсона и Джину в постели)

Not like old Mason to turn down an offer of sex, especially given his weakness for attractive women in teddies. Or is that my weakness...?

Well, we couldn't expect him to hold out forever. I was a little surprised that Charlie kept complaining about scripts even after CC was diagnosed with an aneurism...
Okay, you Jed Allan fans can stop giggling and rubbing your hands together...

I love a good cat-fight, but it's not the same without the mud and bikinis...
I was getting a little weary of the Brandon custody battle by this time...In Charlie's defense, the PTBs weren't exactly writing him sympathetically.

Meanwhile, back in the courtroom...I'm shocked, shocked. Ted Capwell has had sex! What a stretch for Todd McKee...I had an awful strong urge to turn those courtroom scenes into comedy sketches...
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