Спасибо, Дежк))

ЛФН ДВАДЦАТЬ лет спустя!
LenNik, Четверг, 03 марта 2011, 13:37:00

Фанфик по дораме - Восхождение фениксов/The song of heaven /天堂之歌/(2018)11
DeJavu, Сегодня, 23:18:19
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Фанфик по дораме - Восхождение фениксов/The song of heaven /天堂之歌/(2018)11
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Paula McCullough
It took 10 minutes of tense effort on the behalf of Maria, Peta and a prof a/v guy to get her up and audible! Jubilant moment!
It took 10 minutes of tense effort on the behalf of Maria, Peta and a prof a/v guy to get her up and audible! Jubilant moment!

Господи, да это ж скайп обычный, что там было сложного)
Выглядит хорошо)
РД, как обычно, скрылся под шляпу.
Мэт - как мальчишка)
Выглядит хорошо)
РД, как обычно, скрылся под шляпу.
Мэт - как мальчишка)
Paula McCullough
Chris Heyn and Natalie Fokes sharing with us the less sexy but crucial side of making a show that provides continuity and scripts that suck us all in! We were so lucky to have their skilled hands and willingness to attend endless meetings for our beloved series!
Chris Heyn and Natalie Fokes sharing with us the less sexy but crucial side of making a show that provides continuity and scripts that suck us all in! We were so lucky to have their skilled hands and willingness to attend endless meetings for our beloved series!

Paula McCullough
Editors Saul Pincus and Dave Thompson and stunts guy Ted Hanlan are a hoot! So much fun learning about the behind the scenes guys that made our beloved show magical episode after episode!
Editors Saul Pincus and Dave Thompson and stunts guy Ted Hanlan are a hoot! So much fun learning about the behind the scenes guys that made our beloved show magical episode after episode!

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