Да, я тоже помню про Клуб интеллигенции - это название фигурировало в книге Марко Незе, Каттани, в частности, бывал там с Титти Печчи-Шалойя, это точно.

Спрут 1
лучше "Спрута-1" ничего нет!
Elvira, Воскресенье, 16 марта 2003, 13:47:21

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ita (Понедельник, 12 декабря 2005, 15:33:22) писал:
Ура! У меня появился DVD ентой части!!! 

С автором согласна,Спрут 1 одна из лучших частей,тут мы в первые видим Комиссара,видим его личность,и принимаем его характер.. С этой же части,начинается ВСЕ...
Синопсис на английском языке
La Piovra 1 (1984)
Corrado Cattani is a police inspector whose life is devoted to fighting the Italian mafia (known here as "La Piovra" or "The Octopus"). Even as his family and life are being destroyed by ruthless criminals, the intrepid comissar keeps fighting... Written by Boris Shafir
Episode 1 - Police commissioner lives a family nightmare: he is too straight to accept the one-time infidelity of his wife, thirteen years ago, may be because he is unsure of the paternity of the twelve-year-old daughter he loves. Police commissioner finds diversion in a new job recently opened in a small Sicilian village, when local commissioner is found dead in his car, shot by the Mafia. Episode 2 - Police commissioner searches for the truth and finds love in the eyes full of sorrow of a 22-y-o countess who, by sheer coincidence, lost her mother by suicide the night the commissioner was murdered - open and shut case, says local police. Police commissioner is too suspicious of everybody to find his way up the social ladder, though he benefits from the counsel and protection of his former Law Professor. Episode 3 - Police commissioner does not find a way out of his criminal puzzles, and his wife leaves for their house in the North; their daughter is broken-hearted. Episode 4 - Police commissioner sets the trap to catch a few large mice, and his daughter is kidnapped. Episode 5 - Police commissioner starts lying to everybody: his wife, about their daughter's whereabouts, and the handful of good cops who trust him about how to go on with the investigation. First his mistakes, then his implied admission that he shot two men and planted evidence of a murder in one of them, sets a murderer free. Episode 6 - Police commissioner sets a few scores right, but he his resigning his post, his family is more in a shambles than ever, the Sicilian Group "I Culturati" is more powerful than ever, and he is visiting the tomb of his lost countess. The open and shut case is not closed, and the police commissioner is too tired to go on.
Синопсис на английском языке
La Piovra 1 (1984)
Corrado Cattani is a police inspector whose life is devoted to fighting the Italian mafia (known here as "La Piovra" or "The Octopus"). Even as his family and life are being destroyed by ruthless criminals, the intrepid comissar keeps fighting... Written by Boris Shafir
Episode 1 - Police commissioner lives a family nightmare: he is too straight to accept the one-time infidelity of his wife, thirteen years ago, may be because he is unsure of the paternity of the twelve-year-old daughter he loves. Police commissioner finds diversion in a new job recently opened in a small Sicilian village, when local commissioner is found dead in his car, shot by the Mafia. Episode 2 - Police commissioner searches for the truth and finds love in the eyes full of sorrow of a 22-y-o countess who, by sheer coincidence, lost her mother by suicide the night the commissioner was murdered - open and shut case, says local police. Police commissioner is too suspicious of everybody to find his way up the social ladder, though he benefits from the counsel and protection of his former Law Professor. Episode 3 - Police commissioner does not find a way out of his criminal puzzles, and his wife leaves for their house in the North; their daughter is broken-hearted. Episode 4 - Police commissioner sets the trap to catch a few large mice, and his daughter is kidnapped. Episode 5 - Police commissioner starts lying to everybody: his wife, about their daughter's whereabouts, and the handful of good cops who trust him about how to go on with the investigation. First his mistakes, then his implied admission that he shot two men and planted evidence of a murder in one of them, sets a murderer free. Episode 6 - Police commissioner sets a few scores right, but he his resigning his post, his family is more in a shambles than ever, the Sicilian Group "I Culturati" is more powerful than ever, and he is visiting the tomb of his lost countess. The open and shut case is not closed, and the police commissioner is too tired to go on.
Да ну вас к такой то матери!
Хотел кумплимент зделать тебе сестра за такое великолепие да видно не люб я стал на форуме!
Сволочи вы все а я думал люди! Без вас спрут смотрел смотрю и буду смотреть!!!!!! Чё зделал хероваво не знаю но так с реальными пацанами не поступают!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Я же не гавно последнее!Сказали бы сразу-пошол ты типа Роман на х.....с форума мол без тебя хорошо! Я бы понял! А в конечном щёте изливал перед вами свою душу а вы в неё плюнули!
Не по людски это!
Шож бывайте.Без вас проживу-жил ведь!

Romang (Среда, 05 декабря 2007, 21:57:57) писал:
Да ну вас к такой то матери!
Хотел кумплимент зделать тебе сестра за такое великолепие да видно не люб я стал на форуме!
Сволочи вы все а я думал люди! Без вас спрут смотрел смотрю и буду смотреть!!!!!! Чё зделал хероваво не знаю но так с реальными пацанами не поступают!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Я же не гавно последнее!Сказали бы сразу-пошол ты типа Роман на х.....с форума мол без тебя хорошо! Я бы понял! А в конечном щёте изливал перед вами свою душу а вы в неё плюнули!
Не по людски это!
Шож бывайте.Без вас проживу-жил ведь!

Я вообще стараюсь всегда не отвечать на подобные посты,унижать себя не люблю.Oднако,ту читать умееш? я тут тебе отвечала : http://www.teleseria...ic=19800&st=975
Сообщение отредактировал ester: Воскресенье, 05 октября 2008, 23:29:35
ester (Среда, 05 декабря 2007, 22:13:57) писал:
Даа,этот пост я точно не удалью ! Наслождение,пусть все увидят ... Ведь слова ко всем нам относится.Bravo,а главное спасибо !
Я вообще стараюсь всегда не отвечать на подобные посты,унижать себя не люблю.Oднако,ту читать умееш? я тут тебе отвечала : http://www.teleseria...ic=19800&st=975
Я вообще стараюсь всегда не отвечать на подобные посты,унижать себя не люблю.Oднако,ту читать умееш? я тут тебе отвечала : http://www.teleseria...ic=19800&st=975
Граждане! Позвольте не по теме! Официально заявляю и опровергаю што я Ариэль и Анжелка это три совершенно разных человека и приписываемое мне здеся Фантомасовство ко мне не относица и прошу у здравамыслищих форумчан подержки!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Теперь по теме
Спрут 1 я видел ешо в те годы когда многие из участников этова форума ешо под стол ходили пешком.Я же на всю свою мафиозную

Чуствуете разницу? Так што давайте завалим гнилой базар и будем общаца по темам.А перебирать моё грязное бельё и бельё других будем в химчиске!

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