А я целыми днями сидела перед тв на итальянских какналах в надежде, что попаду на что нибудь интересное.Ничаго

Vanessa Gravina / Ванесса Гравина
Лорелла де Пизис, "Спрут 4-5"
Manoel, Четверг, 15 мая 2003, 10:12:42

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Кстати ходят слухи,что Ванесса замуж выходит )),я только не понила,за кого ) в инете прочла .,(Может быть,информация не верная,я вообще о ее личной жизни в прямом смыле мало что знаю ,просто никогда не интересовалась)
всем привет! вот вчера обсуждали с подругой старые сериалы и я вспомнила, что когда-то давно смотрела "Страсти по-итальянски"...больше всего мне нравилась там пара Паолы и Микеле, поэтому начала искать инфо о Ванессе! наткнулась на проблему: информации о ней очень мало
нашла ваш форум и очень этому рада
вы не знаете, где можно скачать видео с Ванессой? желательно со "Страстей..." и с Микеле
если буду находить какую-то информацию, буду делиться...Вот, например, послание Ванессы к фанам на ее старом сайте!
"Something about me…
Hallo boys and girls sailing on my site!
This one you see is the “theoric” side of me, a bonsai-portrait which will reveal you what you would NEVER know about me… so, cheer up! God bless you!
I consider myself a good girl, anyway! I belong to the team of feeeling’s lovers, and I really love true things and poethical ones.
I like dreaming about everything, sailing on my mind’s scripts, going over again my past for savouring my present better.
I let my mind wander easily, but sometimes I come back…!
Speaking for myself, life is music, George Winston’s piano, Pino Daniele’s notes, Maxwell’s urban hang suite and many others friends, who never abandon me on my journey; life is books, from Kundera to Tabucchi, Stefano Benni and Shnitzler… This last one has helped me so much!
I really love sea, swimming in its water savouring its scent, immersing myself in its blue; I love sun, sand which caresses my skin, love in its best definition, the scent of the roses, my kitten’s snout, the loyal eyes of my dog…
I’m a sleepy-head, and a dreamer.
I adore good cinema, its stories, its heros who give us hopes, its passions which light desires… Paul Auster, and his defeatist irony…
I believe in friends,in mind’s freedom, in berries, in massages and in chocolate!
I believe in God, not so much in me, in men not at all!
And finally, I believe in life.
I love you!

вы не знаете, где можно скачать видео с Ванессой? желательно со "Страстей..." и с Микеле

если буду находить какую-то информацию, буду делиться...Вот, например, послание Ванессы к фанам на ее старом сайте!
"Something about me…
Hallo boys and girls sailing on my site!
This one you see is the “theoric” side of me, a bonsai-portrait which will reveal you what you would NEVER know about me… so, cheer up! God bless you!
I consider myself a good girl, anyway! I belong to the team of feeeling’s lovers, and I really love true things and poethical ones.
I like dreaming about everything, sailing on my mind’s scripts, going over again my past for savouring my present better.
I let my mind wander easily, but sometimes I come back…!
Speaking for myself, life is music, George Winston’s piano, Pino Daniele’s notes, Maxwell’s urban hang suite and many others friends, who never abandon me on my journey; life is books, from Kundera to Tabucchi, Stefano Benni and Shnitzler… This last one has helped me so much!
I really love sea, swimming in its water savouring its scent, immersing myself in its blue; I love sun, sand which caresses my skin, love in its best definition, the scent of the roses, my kitten’s snout, the loyal eyes of my dog…
I’m a sleepy-head, and a dreamer.
I adore good cinema, its stories, its heros who give us hopes, its passions which light desires… Paul Auster, and his defeatist irony…
I believe in friends,in mind’s freedom, in berries, in massages and in chocolate!
I believe in God, not so much in me, in men not at all!
And finally, I believe in life.
I love you!

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