Ну конечно, И.Ч! Я очень давно вам о ней писала! Это Manners of Dying!!!
Si vous aimes Roy
yaROYslavna, Пятница, 26 сентября 2003, 21:50:42
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Мне снился странный сон по ЛФН...
Душевая где-то в Отделе. Посреди стоит большая ванна. На краешке сидит зареванная Ники в деловом костюме???!, спустив ножки в воду. Рядом Вальтер, который ее жалеет.
Душевая где-то в Отделе. Посреди стоит большая ванна. На краешке сидит зареванная Ники в деловом костюме???!, спустив ножки в воду. Рядом Вальтер, который ее жалеет.
Вот новые фотки Роя из газеты .
Это случайно не Селин на второй? 8)
Это случайно не Селин на второй? 8)
А это что за фотка? Рой привязан к какой-то кушетке или что-то вроде 8) ЧТо они с ним делали? 8)
Да, Свить, эти похабные фото с Селин* вот перед кем он не стесняется падать во всех позах*
А про тюрягу, где он к фиговине привязан почитать надо. Может переведешь?
Исправлено автором 18 Ноя 2003, 08:03
А про тюрягу, где он к фиговине привязан почитать надо. Может переведешь?
Исправлено автором 18 Ноя 2003, 08:03
Где на французском???
Я эту нашла:
The robber and her men
Isabelle Massed
La Presse
More than seven million for Monica the grapeshot! The braqueuse ratoureuse one of bank would have jubilee. The nest egg was rather entrusted to the production line team of film of Pierre Houle, his first, on the brigande killed at 27 years, at the end of the Sixties. "a budget of 7,375 million for a contemporary film, that goes, says the realizer (Tag, Omertа). But it is necessary to scrape for a film of time, because there are always constraints."
Flashback: Montreal, 1960. The Hand (St. Lawrence boulevard) and its immediate periphery, Red Light, are far from being the destination of connected dreams of guy and girls, avid of meals dearly paid and puffed out in an environment me have-you-considering. It is the rabble, at the time, which attends the district. Sailors also, newcomer of the port, a little more in the south, glad to spend the night in the fun city of North America. "It was the most open city of North America, tells Pierre Houle. The flesh was fresh!"
Expo 67 being come from there with great steps, the Drapeau mayor decided "to clean" the sector malfamй for "its" subway of Montreal and the dwellings with moderate rent. Its inhabitants, already poor, see their misery then becoming extensive "Monica grew in a district which had neither water nor electricity, tells Pierre Houle. There is not this vision of Montreal in our memories"
How many shadies which had only the flight and the prostitution to keep them in life? "Montreal was the capital of the flights of bank, notices Lorraine Richard, producing of Quote-America. It was easy to fly, even if that took guts. The cops thought that for 3000 $, that was not worth the sorrow to put its life in play"
At the time, Monique Sparvieri, known as Monica the grapeshot, prevails in a world of men, rifle to the hand and hood on the head. A gold subject for a film with perfect heroin to hold in breath until the ultimate shot "All the girls wanted it, this role! launch Cйline Bonnier, the happy one elected. Braqueuse of bank which had three children and which knitted its hoods! It is a woman go-ahead type, solid which saw also touching moments. It surely acted of the kind because it felt broken"
Still the tear and misery... Cйline Bonnier loves these women who do not have it easy. I have difficulty in play happiness. What touches me, be the crack, the wound. I like to fall into a hole. It is like making parachute, but protected"
Around the actress, men; the scenario writers Luc Dionne and Sylvain Guy, having put the accent on those which the machine-gun liked "One it imagined very carnal, even if one said that it was the guy of the gang, known as Cйline Bonnier. The love grabbed it"
"men? It is the great drama of the life of Monica, estimates Luc Dionne. I have the impression that they defined what it became. Because of them, it arrived at a point where it was said that it would not be made any more have by anybody. That it was going to take its life in hand."
"It had a charged life, continues Luc Dionne. At 27 years, it had 80 of them. The husband of Monica, always alive, said to me that it was born in worst the slum from North America. At that time, people did not have a park where to have fun. One was going to play in the street with the rabbles. That gives characters larger inevitably than natural."
In this film made in 35 days (of mid-September at November 4) and inspired of the novel Memories of Monica of German George-Hйbert, one will see it leaving misery temporarily to the arm of its first husband much older than it (Ron Lea). When this last leaves it to flee in England, after a flight of bank missed, it finds happiness with Gaston (Patrick Huard), then Gerald (Roy Dupuis). All the males with which it planned flights of bank.
Yesterday afternoon, Cйline Bonnier filmed on the knees of Roy Dupuis, in an unused bar of Saint-Jean n-Richelieu, converted into Coffee St-John' S "the second house of Monica where all the rabble was held", explains Lorraine Richard. Not far from it, Mario Jean, in its first role with the cinema, that of the brother of Roy Dupuis. "I play a guy not brilliance which buttock and puts questions afterwards. And still... I am not sure that it is posed some!"
As from October, all the team will move on the Hand which will be made up as in the past. Is there more the impression to tell the History or a history with Monica the grapeshot? "a history, answers Pierre Houle. One would like to know the true history. But one time is told that one has misery to include/understand. And the veracity with regard to Monica is difficult to go to seek. His/her children have a vision of child of their mother. Side of the family, the memories mix. Its reality was surely much harder than than one will show; Monica was in mode of survival as of its birth. But it is necessary to tell history while being the most accessible possible."
For its first full-length film, Pierre Houle much misй besides on the play of the actors. "I know the mechanisms of tele. I usually start to be heated after 35 days of turning! There, I throw myself to water. I thus hang up again myself so that I know: actors. Monica the grapeshot is a film of performances." To see on large screen, in May 2004.
Я эту нашла:
The robber and her men
Isabelle Massed
La Presse
More than seven million for Monica the grapeshot! The braqueuse ratoureuse one of bank would have jubilee. The nest egg was rather entrusted to the production line team of film of Pierre Houle, his first, on the brigande killed at 27 years, at the end of the Sixties. "a budget of 7,375 million for a contemporary film, that goes, says the realizer (Tag, Omertа). But it is necessary to scrape for a film of time, because there are always constraints."
Flashback: Montreal, 1960. The Hand (St. Lawrence boulevard) and its immediate periphery, Red Light, are far from being the destination of connected dreams of guy and girls, avid of meals dearly paid and puffed out in an environment me have-you-considering. It is the rabble, at the time, which attends the district. Sailors also, newcomer of the port, a little more in the south, glad to spend the night in the fun city of North America. "It was the most open city of North America, tells Pierre Houle. The flesh was fresh!"
Expo 67 being come from there with great steps, the Drapeau mayor decided "to clean" the sector malfamй for "its" subway of Montreal and the dwellings with moderate rent. Its inhabitants, already poor, see their misery then becoming extensive "Monica grew in a district which had neither water nor electricity, tells Pierre Houle. There is not this vision of Montreal in our memories"
How many shadies which had only the flight and the prostitution to keep them in life? "Montreal was the capital of the flights of bank, notices Lorraine Richard, producing of Quote-America. It was easy to fly, even if that took guts. The cops thought that for 3000 $, that was not worth the sorrow to put its life in play"
At the time, Monique Sparvieri, known as Monica the grapeshot, prevails in a world of men, rifle to the hand and hood on the head. A gold subject for a film with perfect heroin to hold in breath until the ultimate shot "All the girls wanted it, this role! launch Cйline Bonnier, the happy one elected. Braqueuse of bank which had three children and which knitted its hoods! It is a woman go-ahead type, solid which saw also touching moments. It surely acted of the kind because it felt broken"
Still the tear and misery... Cйline Bonnier loves these women who do not have it easy. I have difficulty in play happiness. What touches me, be the crack, the wound. I like to fall into a hole. It is like making parachute, but protected"
Around the actress, men; the scenario writers Luc Dionne and Sylvain Guy, having put the accent on those which the machine-gun liked "One it imagined very carnal, even if one said that it was the guy of the gang, known as Cйline Bonnier. The love grabbed it"
"men? It is the great drama of the life of Monica, estimates Luc Dionne. I have the impression that they defined what it became. Because of them, it arrived at a point where it was said that it would not be made any more have by anybody. That it was going to take its life in hand."
"It had a charged life, continues Luc Dionne. At 27 years, it had 80 of them. The husband of Monica, always alive, said to me that it was born in worst the slum from North America. At that time, people did not have a park where to have fun. One was going to play in the street with the rabbles. That gives characters larger inevitably than natural."
In this film made in 35 days (of mid-September at November 4) and inspired of the novel Memories of Monica of German George-Hйbert, one will see it leaving misery temporarily to the arm of its first husband much older than it (Ron Lea). When this last leaves it to flee in England, after a flight of bank missed, it finds happiness with Gaston (Patrick Huard), then Gerald (Roy Dupuis). All the males with which it planned flights of bank.
Yesterday afternoon, Cйline Bonnier filmed on the knees of Roy Dupuis, in an unused bar of Saint-Jean n-Richelieu, converted into Coffee St-John' S "the second house of Monica where all the rabble was held", explains Lorraine Richard. Not far from it, Mario Jean, in its first role with the cinema, that of the brother of Roy Dupuis. "I play a guy not brilliance which buttock and puts questions afterwards. And still... I am not sure that it is posed some!"
As from October, all the team will move on the Hand which will be made up as in the past. Is there more the impression to tell the History or a history with Monica the grapeshot? "a history, answers Pierre Houle. One would like to know the true history. But one time is told that one has misery to include/understand. And the veracity with regard to Monica is difficult to go to seek. His/her children have a vision of child of their mother. Side of the family, the memories mix. Its reality was surely much harder than than one will show; Monica was in mode of survival as of its birth. But it is necessary to tell history while being the most accessible possible."
For its first full-length film, Pierre Houle much misй besides on the play of the actors. "I know the mechanisms of tele. I usually start to be heated after 35 days of turning! There, I throw myself to water. I thus hang up again myself so that I know: actors. Monica the grapeshot is a film of performances." To see on large screen, in May 2004.
А, нашла. Постараюсь перевести. Рената, если ты что-то хотела сказать не стесняйся
Твое послание, кажется, потерялось.
Твое послание, кажется, потерялось.
А вот про кутузку
On the plate of Manners of Dying
By Marlиne Lebreux
Photographs Jocelyn Bernier
The place which was formerly an old prison for women, the Gomin House, became during 19 days of September the place of filming Manners of Dying, the first full-length film of the director Jeremy Peter Allen. A film comprising a small budget (1 M$), but not haggling over the means: an incursion disconcerting into a history inspired by a book by the successful author Yann Martel and a distribution, with at the head of list, Roy Dupuis and Serge Houde.
"It is a happiness for me to carry out such a film, affirms Jeremy Peter Allen (see the interview from May 2002 in Mode M). Manners of Dying does not have as a challenge to discuss the question of the capital punishment. Does it rather work towards the end to try to understand what one makes the last 12 last of his life? Thus, there are no lawyer debates. It is an examination of the character vis-a-vis dead from which it cannot escape "the interest is not either to locate the history in time and space; moreover, the history is nebulous on this subject, it occurs some share to North America. On the other hand, it makes it possible to seize eight various attitudes vis-a-vis the dead one: resignation, contempt, disillusion, disappointment, the revelation...
An ideal place of filming
The director hopes himself lucky to have taken place in the prison in the vicinity. The natural sound of the bars and the solidity of the walls are significant details to give credibility "It is a gift for an actor to have true decorations, to be able to type on the walls without them falling", entrusts Roy Dupuis, in the role of condemned to dead Kevin Barlow.
"The film rests primarily on the play of the actors. There is no gymnastics in time during filming, one works in a chronological way. This makes it possible in particular to the actors to gradually build their character. This way of playing is a rare opportunity for the actors with the cinema", continues Jeremy.
Two principal places make film: the cells and the room of setting to dead "The film is cyclic... One returns constantly to this last part”, explains Jeremy by presenting the room of execution. Here, there is something of macabre. People are more nervous here... It would be said that the decoration affects them "The place causes shivers in the back of the members of the team of filming, and this, even if at the origin this part were not intended to return the last days to the captive ones. Ironically, the table of setting to death used for Manners of Dying is an old table of obstetrics. "It is, to some extent, a play of contradiction, because thus after having given birth, the table becomes a bed of death!"
All was filmed inside the old prison, except for a scene; that which, during the last minutes of film, brings us in the kitchen of the Robert-Giffard Hospital for the preparation of the last meal.
Walk towards death
When Roy Dupuis agreed to play the role of Kevin Barlow, "it is for the beauty and the intensity of the character”, he indicates. “It is the kind of character whom one does not manage to forget when one returns at home in the evening, it is rather present. To play all these manners of living death, one cannot be based on the technique, it is necessary to go to seek the emotions inside. I was likely to still meet the last condemned to death in Quebec: Chartrand. He proved to be a very generous being, somebody who transferred me a certain energy. Then, for film, Jeremy nourished me also much through his research on death. It has the capacity to be ready of the actor."
Jeremy specifies that the first walk towards the death presented in film is, according to him, most painful: "It is an approach of died very the йpeurante. One put not on the physical play, but well on the emotions... Tearing"
The assembly of Manners of Dying will continue until December. As for the exit of film, it was not fixed yet, perhaps but one speaks about the summer 2004. Concerning the French translation of film, one will study of it the possibility in the second time. If it is the case, it will be of good quality, ensures one.
On the plate of Manners of Dying
By Marlиne Lebreux
Photographs Jocelyn Bernier
The place which was formerly an old prison for women, the Gomin House, became during 19 days of September the place of filming Manners of Dying, the first full-length film of the director Jeremy Peter Allen. A film comprising a small budget (1 M$), but not haggling over the means: an incursion disconcerting into a history inspired by a book by the successful author Yann Martel and a distribution, with at the head of list, Roy Dupuis and Serge Houde.
"It is a happiness for me to carry out such a film, affirms Jeremy Peter Allen (see the interview from May 2002 in Mode M). Manners of Dying does not have as a challenge to discuss the question of the capital punishment. Does it rather work towards the end to try to understand what one makes the last 12 last of his life? Thus, there are no lawyer debates. It is an examination of the character vis-a-vis dead from which it cannot escape "the interest is not either to locate the history in time and space; moreover, the history is nebulous on this subject, it occurs some share to North America. On the other hand, it makes it possible to seize eight various attitudes vis-a-vis the dead one: resignation, contempt, disillusion, disappointment, the revelation...
An ideal place of filming
The director hopes himself lucky to have taken place in the prison in the vicinity. The natural sound of the bars and the solidity of the walls are significant details to give credibility "It is a gift for an actor to have true decorations, to be able to type on the walls without them falling", entrusts Roy Dupuis, in the role of condemned to dead Kevin Barlow.
"The film rests primarily on the play of the actors. There is no gymnastics in time during filming, one works in a chronological way. This makes it possible in particular to the actors to gradually build their character. This way of playing is a rare opportunity for the actors with the cinema", continues Jeremy.
Two principal places make film: the cells and the room of setting to dead "The film is cyclic... One returns constantly to this last part”, explains Jeremy by presenting the room of execution. Here, there is something of macabre. People are more nervous here... It would be said that the decoration affects them "The place causes shivers in the back of the members of the team of filming, and this, even if at the origin this part were not intended to return the last days to the captive ones. Ironically, the table of setting to death used for Manners of Dying is an old table of obstetrics. "It is, to some extent, a play of contradiction, because thus after having given birth, the table becomes a bed of death!"
All was filmed inside the old prison, except for a scene; that which, during the last minutes of film, brings us in the kitchen of the Robert-Giffard Hospital for the preparation of the last meal.
Walk towards death
When Roy Dupuis agreed to play the role of Kevin Barlow, "it is for the beauty and the intensity of the character”, he indicates. “It is the kind of character whom one does not manage to forget when one returns at home in the evening, it is rather present. To play all these manners of living death, one cannot be based on the technique, it is necessary to go to seek the emotions inside. I was likely to still meet the last condemned to death in Quebec: Chartrand. He proved to be a very generous being, somebody who transferred me a certain energy. Then, for film, Jeremy nourished me also much through his research on death. It has the capacity to be ready of the actor."
Jeremy specifies that the first walk towards the death presented in film is, according to him, most painful: "It is an approach of died very the йpeurante. One put not on the physical play, but well on the emotions... Tearing"
The assembly of Manners of Dying will continue until December. As for the exit of film, it was not fixed yet, perhaps but one speaks about the summer 2004. Concerning the French translation of film, one will study of it the possibility in the second time. If it is the case, it will be of good quality, ensures one.
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