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Клип Алиссы ч шоу Джэя Лено + Роуз тоже там,
kosta, Пятница, 05 сентября 2003, 01:50:12

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Jay Leno: Alright, let’s get right to it. My first guest is in the new movie Dickie Roberts, Former Child Star with David Spade, got terrific reviews today in the paper, opens Friday September 5th, she also stars on the WB series Charmed, and their new season premiers Sunday, September 28th, please welcome Alyssa Milano!
Jay Leno: Wow!
Alyssa: What do you think?
Jay Leno: Somebody went to supercut and got their moneyworth!
Alyssa: Oh, ow!
Jay Leno: No that looks cute-
Alyssa: -Do you like it?
Jay Leno: Yes it looks very cute!
Alyssa: I wanted to do it for a long time but I find that like you get so afraid of what people are gonna think or say about it you know,
Jay Leno: No it looks great
Alyssa: and the media…
Jay Leno: It looks nice,
Alyssa: You like it? I’m glad I have your approval.
Jay Leno: No no it looks very cute.
Alyssa: Thank-you.
Jay Leno: Cause I either like it long, or like, like that. It’s in the middle ones that don’t uh…you know when it’s kinda halfway?
Alyssa: You’re like the fashion guy now!
Jay Leno: I am the fashion guy.
Alyssa: Like, what’s going on?!
Jay Leno: In fact, thinking of that, I remember when you’re hair was a lot fuller, remember you were on this show, it must have been fifteen years ago…
Alyssa: Oh no.
Jay Leno: Listen, show that big hair shot.
(show’s a Who’s the Boss clip)
Alyssa: Oh no no no no no you- no! Oh!
Jay Leno: There you go…I love that! I love that shot!
Alyssa: Oh. That’s ten more years of therapy right there Jay! (laughs)
Jay Leno: Now, now what made you do it, one day you just went “that’s it” I mean do you have to consult the people in the tv show…cause you know you do movies, and
Alyssa: I didn’t…and I probably should have, but I figured you know, I’m 30 years old, and if I wanted to cut my hair I’m probably able to, and I just woke up one morning and decided to do it.
Jay Leno: And just ran down, and did it.
Alyssa: And I ran down and said “what do you think Mr. Spelling” and he’s like “You keep trying to mess up that hair, it’s not working”. That’s a quote.
Jay Leno: So now you’re back to work on Charmed, on the show….
Alyssa: Yeah, and you have these trained pigs on which reminded me of when we did the season premiere this year was about 3 months ago, and we had a trained dog that was um, Paige, Rose McGowan’s character, gets a job walking dogs, as a dog walker, and so we’re doing a scene and all of a sudden out of nowhere, the dog is in the scene and I hear the trainer, off to the side, go “Hop her hurley! Hop her! Hop her!” and this dog takes a running leap to Rose McGowan’s leg, and just starts humping, and humping, and humping, (Alyssa starts doing humping movements in the chair) and Rose kicks the-
Jay Leno: I’m sorry, how did the dog do it again? I’m sorry, I missed it…
Alyssa: The best part was that Rose kicked the dog off and the dog was still humping the air, with this face on, it was a bulldog,
Jay Leno: I know the feeling. (laughs) I think every guy know that face (laughs). I don’t think you have to explain that face.
Alyssa: You know that face. That face, and because it’s Charmed and nothing is as it seems, the dog actually turns into a man, played by Joe millionaire.
Jay Leno: Oh wow.
Alyssa: Plays the humping dog.
Jay Leno: I can see that, actually.
Alyssa: It’s good casting, right?
Jay Leno: Now didn’t you just get a new dog? You had a new, little uh…
Alyssa: I did, I have a new little Chihuahua, she’s like a pound, her name’s Lucy, my boyfriend gave her to me three days ago.
Jay Leno: Oh so it’s brand-
Alyssa: Yeah it’s brand new.
Jay Leno: So you have a new boyfriend.
Alyssa: I do have a new boyfriend.
Jay Leno: And who’s your new boyfriend?
Alyssa: I don’t wanna talk about it cause I’m afraid I’m gonna jinx it cause it’s going so well.
Jay Leno: What could, what would be jinxing it?
Alyssa: I dunno, he could end up in a strip club or something.
Jay Leno: Is he in showbuisness?
Alyssa: He is, he’s an actor, yes, and you know his name I know you know his name!
Jay Leno: Does he have an actor-ee name?
Alyssa: I don’t think so but I know you do!
Jay Leno: Well tell me his name and I’ll tell you if it’s an actor name.
Alyssa: His name is Eric Dane.
Jay Leno: Eric Dane, that’s a male stripper name.
AAlyssa: And he’s actually a colonel in the state of Kentucky so he’s Colonel Dane.
Jay Leno: Well he just told you that. Now he’s an actor, he’s on like soaps and things right?
Alyssa: No he’s actually on Charmed.
Jay Leno: Oh he’s on Charmed now.
Alyssa: Yes, it’s life imitating art. ‘Cause he plays my boyfriend. And I don’t wanna talk about it anymore ‘cause this is what happens!
Jay Leno: And you think Eric Dane, it's a real actor name? You know my real name is Lance Bedrock…
Alyssa: No but don’t you think- (laughs)
Jay Leno: Alright look we’ll take a little break, more right after this, more of the humping Alyssa Milano right after this!
Jay Leno: Alright, let’s get right to it. My first guest is in the new movie Dickie Roberts, Former Child Star with David Spade, got terrific reviews today in the paper, opens Friday September 5th, she also stars on the WB series Charmed, and their new season premiers Sunday, September 28th, please welcome Alyssa Milano!
Jay Leno: Wow!
Alyssa: What do you think?
Jay Leno: Somebody went to supercut and got their moneyworth!
Alyssa: Oh, ow!
Jay Leno: No that looks cute-
Alyssa: -Do you like it?
Jay Leno: Yes it looks very cute!
Alyssa: I wanted to do it for a long time but I find that like you get so afraid of what people are gonna think or say about it you know,
Jay Leno: No it looks great
Alyssa: and the media…
Jay Leno: It looks nice,
Alyssa: You like it? I’m glad I have your approval.
Jay Leno: No no it looks very cute.
Alyssa: Thank-you.
Jay Leno: Cause I either like it long, or like, like that. It’s in the middle ones that don’t uh…you know when it’s kinda halfway?
Alyssa: You’re like the fashion guy now!
Jay Leno: I am the fashion guy.
Alyssa: Like, what’s going on?!
Jay Leno: In fact, thinking of that, I remember when you’re hair was a lot fuller, remember you were on this show, it must have been fifteen years ago…
Alyssa: Oh no.
Jay Leno: Listen, show that big hair shot.
(show’s a Who’s the Boss clip)
Alyssa: Oh no no no no no you- no! Oh!
Jay Leno: There you go…I love that! I love that shot!
Alyssa: Oh. That’s ten more years of therapy right there Jay! (laughs)
Jay Leno: Now, now what made you do it, one day you just went “that’s it” I mean do you have to consult the people in the tv show…cause you know you do movies, and
Alyssa: I didn’t…and I probably should have, but I figured you know, I’m 30 years old, and if I wanted to cut my hair I’m probably able to, and I just woke up one morning and decided to do it.
Jay Leno: And just ran down, and did it.
Alyssa: And I ran down and said “what do you think Mr. Spelling” and he’s like “You keep trying to mess up that hair, it’s not working”. That’s a quote.
Jay Leno: So now you’re back to work on Charmed, on the show….
Alyssa: Yeah, and you have these trained pigs on which reminded me of when we did the season premiere this year was about 3 months ago, and we had a trained dog that was um, Paige, Rose McGowan’s character, gets a job walking dogs, as a dog walker, and so we’re doing a scene and all of a sudden out of nowhere, the dog is in the scene and I hear the trainer, off to the side, go “Hop her hurley! Hop her! Hop her!” and this dog takes a running leap to Rose McGowan’s leg, and just starts humping, and humping, and humping, (Alyssa starts doing humping movements in the chair) and Rose kicks the-
Jay Leno: I’m sorry, how did the dog do it again? I’m sorry, I missed it…
Alyssa: The best part was that Rose kicked the dog off and the dog was still humping the air, with this face on, it was a bulldog,
Jay Leno: I know the feeling. (laughs) I think every guy know that face (laughs). I don’t think you have to explain that face.
Alyssa: You know that face. That face, and because it’s Charmed and nothing is as it seems, the dog actually turns into a man, played by Joe millionaire.
Jay Leno: Oh wow.
Alyssa: Plays the humping dog.
Jay Leno: I can see that, actually.
Alyssa: It’s good casting, right?
Jay Leno: Now didn’t you just get a new dog? You had a new, little uh…
Alyssa: I did, I have a new little Chihuahua, she’s like a pound, her name’s Lucy, my boyfriend gave her to me three days ago.
Jay Leno: Oh so it’s brand-
Alyssa: Yeah it’s brand new.
Jay Leno: So you have a new boyfriend.
Alyssa: I do have a new boyfriend.
Jay Leno: And who’s your new boyfriend?
Alyssa: I don’t wanna talk about it cause I’m afraid I’m gonna jinx it cause it’s going so well.
Jay Leno: What could, what would be jinxing it?
Alyssa: I dunno, he could end up in a strip club or something.
Jay Leno: Is he in showbuisness?
Alyssa: He is, he’s an actor, yes, and you know his name I know you know his name!
Jay Leno: Does he have an actor-ee name?
Alyssa: I don’t think so but I know you do!
Jay Leno: Well tell me his name and I’ll tell you if it’s an actor name.
Alyssa: His name is Eric Dane.
Jay Leno: Eric Dane, that’s a male stripper name.
AAlyssa: And he’s actually a colonel in the state of Kentucky so he’s Colonel Dane.
Jay Leno: Well he just told you that. Now he’s an actor, he’s on like soaps and things right?
Alyssa: No he’s actually on Charmed.
Jay Leno: Oh he’s on Charmed now.
Alyssa: Yes, it’s life imitating art. ‘Cause he plays my boyfriend. And I don’t wanna talk about it anymore ‘cause this is what happens!
Jay Leno: And you think Eric Dane, it's a real actor name? You know my real name is Lance Bedrock…
Alyssa: No but don’t you think- (laughs)
Jay Leno: Alright look we’ll take a little break, more right after this, more of the humping Alyssa Milano right after this!
Интересно: сколько часов ты это слушал, что бы понять о чем они говорят, а потом ещё и написать! Ну ты МУТАНТ! Я бы не выдержала!

я вот думаю, клипы большие, может кто-нить их зажмет посильнее, чтоб не так долго людям качать было... я в принципе зажать могу, но мне некуда закачивать. Если у кого на ФТП можно - я сделаю.

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