natala (Понедельник, 28 декабря 2009, 21:22:37) писал:
Clarisse, ты прям "скорая помощь"

Ещё один quick fix. FunSB (и другие англоговорящие) лови транскрипт. Для тех, кто ждёт на русском, скоро переведу.
342 XM
Courtroom. Christie is being questioned by Mason.
Mason: Your family is a very close one, isn't it, Christie?
Christie: Yes, very close.
Mason: Yes, it's quite impressive to see. And a... quite recent, I gather. You've all been living separately until quite recently, isn't that true?
Christie: Yes.
Mason: Why is it?
Christie: It's a... it's just worked out that way.
Mason: Did the separation have anything to do with your mother being an alcoholic?
Christie: She's stopped that. She quit the day after I was attacked.
Mason: Are the two events related?
Christie: Yes, she wanted to be able to take care of me.
Mason: Oh, that's very touching. Very laudable. Your sister Mary living with you now too, isn't she?
Christie: Yes, you know, she is.
Mason: That's what I know the judge and jury to know too, Christie. Your sister Mary was a nun, living in a convent. But she left the Order shortly after you were raped, is that true?
Christie: Yes.
Mason: She wanted to be with you to help you through the ordeal along with your mother, correct?
Christie: That's part of it.
Mason: And your step-brother is living close to the three of you, I believe.
Christie: Next door.
Mason: Well, then something good did come out of this tragedy after all, didn't it? Your family was reunited.
Christie: Yes.
Mason: How do you feel about that?
Christie: I'm very happy about it, of course.
Mason: I should think you would be... Why did you run away from home, Christie? What were you afraid of?
Christie: Nothing. Besides I didn't run away from home.
Mason: Well... You left home in great haste by climbing out your bedroom window, didn't you?
Christie (sighs): Well... oh... Yeah! But...
Mason: Is it how you told your sister you left the house?
Christie: No.
Mason: What did you tell her?
Christie: I told her that I... left. Because I... I was gonna make my own way.
Mason: So you lied to her.
Christie: That's not a lie.
Mason: I don't know. What would you call it then?
Christie: It's just another way of saying something.
Mason: I see. What would... Do you remember what you told your mother when you left home, Christie?
Christie: Aaa... No, I don't remember.
Mason: Too hard, Christie? I can easily call your mother to the stand.
Christie: I told her that I got a part... in a movie... and that they need me right away.
Mason: But there wasn't any movie, was there, Christie? You lied to your mother about it, didn't you?
Christie: Only so, she wouldn't worry.
Mason: Well, she didn't have anything to worry about after that, did she? Because every time you called home after that you had good news for her about your glamorous jobs and your wealthy admirers.
Steve: Objection! Your Honour, Counselor's not questioning the witness. He's testifying himself.
Judge: Sustained. Put in a form of a question, Mr Capwell.
Mason: Yes, Your Honour. The truth is, Christie, is that there wasn't much truth to the stories you were telling your mother, was there? In fact, they were all lies, weren't they?
Christie: I had a lot of good jobs.
Mason: Hm, such as being a cocktail waitress in a bowling alley, until they found out you've been lying about your age and you using a fake ID, isn't it true?
Christie: Yes.
Steve: Objection! What's the point of these questions?
Mason: The point, Your Honour, is to show the discrepancy between the story Miss Duval was telling her family and the way she was actually living at that time. The point is to illustrate her tendency to tell a lie rather than the truth whenever given a choice.
Judge: Objection overruled. Move on, Mr Capwell.
Mason: Now, Christie, lets talk about more pleasant things. When you were in a hospital bed after you've been raped, you came to and found your family gathered all around you. That must've been a wonderful feeling.
Christie: It was.
Mason: They were concerned, and loving, and all was forgiven. And since they'd already decided it was Ted Capwell who raped you, it must've been easy to fall back into your old habits and lie just to please them.
Christie: No, I wouldn't do that.
Mason: Well, you'd already done that, Christie, when you lied about your jobs and your boyfriends. You did that to please your mother, didn't you?
Christie: That's different!
Mason: How is it different?
Christie: It just is!
Mason: Your family seemed to want you to name Ted Capwell. And if naming Ted meant you'd all stay together, well, what's one more lie in a lifetime of lies?
Steve: Objection! Talk about making speeches!
Judge: Objection sustained.
Mason: Lying is a way of life for you, isn't it, Christie? It's the only way you know to get what you want. It's a way to get attention, isn't it? Isn't it true that you lied about the rape just to keep your family around? And when they started making sacrifices for you, you just went right on lying.
Steve: Objection! Counselor'd better follow his own advice and stop psychoanalyzing the witness.
Mason: You're a liar and a perjurer, Christie. And you lied when you said it was Ted Capwell who raped you, didn't you?!
Steve: Objection!
Mason: Didn't you?!?!
Judge (knocks his hammer): Order in the court!
Mason: I'm sorry, Your Honour. Now, Christie, have you told us anything but the truth here?
Christie: I'm telling the truth.
Mason: Admit it, Christie, when your sister asked you if Ted Capwell was the one who raped you, didn't you simply take the easy way out and say "Yes"?
Christie: No.
Mason: Wasn't it simply easier?
Christie: No. No. You don't understand! I love my family and they love me. It was so hard for them. Having to tell them what had happened to me would be... it was the hardest thing that I've done in my life.
Mason: Well, it's a way you've gone through your life, Christie. May be you don't know the difference between a lie and a truth anymore.
Steve: Objection!
Judge: Sustained. You're out of order, Counselor.
Mason: Your Honour, a fine young man has been accused of a crime he didn't commit by this girl who's proven over and over again to be a liar.
Steve: Proven by whom? You are the only one who's been calling her that, Capwel!
Mason: Her mother and sister know it, Bassett!
Judge: That's enough! I won't tolerate this bickering between you two.
Mason: I'm sorry, Your Honour. Christie, what have you gained by accusing Ted? Are you trying to protect someone else? Or do you just hate him because he didn't want you? Is it a... is it a punishment? Because if it is, for God's sakes, he's been punished enough!
Steve: Objection!
Mason: Why don't you just admit that it's a lie, Christie?...
Judge (repeatedly knocks his hammer): Enough!
Mason: ...are you just lacking in conscience that you don't care if an innocent person goes to prison because of you?!
Christie: I can't help it if he goes to prison. It's him who's committed crime (she points at Ted). Anyone would know who raped and beat her! I know it's Ted Capwell!!!
Mary (to her mother): It's over, we won.
Mason: No further questions, Your Honour.
Judge: Mr Bassett, will you redirect?
Steve: No, Your Honour.
Judge: Miss Duval, you may step down. (Christie doesn't move.) I said you may step down, Miss Duval.
Christie: I don't wanna step down.
Judge: Counselor had finished questioning.
Christie: But I am not... finished. I have something I wanna say.
Сообщение отредактировал Clarisse McClellan: Среда, 28 апреля 2010, 23:43:31